Lots of pow, kids bikes, beer, women, road trips, air guitar and kickin it with the bros
Anybody that rides little kids bikes or can shred on a snowboard, people that are fun to be around and fun to kick it with. The unexistant being know as GOD!
The Offspring, Tom Petty, Steve Miller, The Stones, The Who, Black Sabbath, Bob Seager, AFI, Dr Dre, Ice Cube... you get the picture
Big Daddy, Detroit Rock City, Dazed and Confused, Idle Hands, Smokey and the Bandit, SLC Punk, The Sandlot, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Mighty Ducks
The Simpsons, South Park, Guts, Ledgends of the Hidden Temple, What Would You DO? BMX Games, Fuel TV, Man vs Wild, Sports Center
Matt Hoffman: the ride of my life, Tony Hawk's autobiography, NIGHT, A Saucerfull of Secrets: A Pink Floyd Oddysey
Tom Petty!