tattoo's,music,music, and more music, muscle cars, lowrider bikes, movies, playing pool, food from different cultures, art, design, fashion,skateboards, my hedgehog Norman,dancing. Neck tattoo's, BEER!!!!!!(Pabst Blue Ribbon and Naragansettes),taco trucks,mohawks, bites on the neck, agression, recieving agression,spooning, being random, being hilarious,causing chaos,robots,ninja's, pirates, mustaches.........(or just one in particular), beards,your weight on me,biting necks....chomps.....nibbles,leaving scars,laughing at myself,hugs, body heat, hooligans, drunks ,poets, rebels,hiding under blankets,simmering in my inner thoughts, being an unexpected surprise, being loyal,scratching, lipstick , blush,french fries,hand tattoo's, being social.....liking solitude.......poetry,cooking for people, heavy breathing, soft touches,me giving gentle punches to the tummy, learning lessons even if it's the hard way( i've learned alot lately)....being a little better everyday,staying epic, being romantic, grabbing, pulling, buying my friends lap dances,providing amazing massages,mid-day naps ......I could keep going. I have way too many interest honestly.
The sinners, the saints, the thinkers, the dreamers,the drunks,the starving artists, the poets,the revolutionaries,mohawks, the hooligans ,the freaks, the punks,agressors,the drifters,the dreamers, the lovers, the fighters, the guy my mom warned me about, my sailor,computer geeks,Alexander McQueen, those who inspire and are willing to be inspired,pool sharks,Dolly Parton, Tori Amos to kiss,someone to bite,a challenge.....(already met him), last but not least..... my love.....who will change my life.
Rock,punk,metal, hardcore, rockabilly,psychobilly,country,Dolly Parton,Johnny Cash, japanese and french rock and pop, just to name a few.
some of my favorite movies are Buffalo 66, May, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, Evangelion anime series,Pumpkin, Repo Man , office space, To Kill a Mockingbird, old school kung-fu, Vulgar, little runaway,blue velvet, one flew over the cukoos nest, never ending story,one hour photo, I heart hukabees, edward scissor hands,boondock saints, donnie darko, the shining,Cecile B. Demented, entropy, versus, vampire effect, all the priceless crap from the eighties and the list goes on.
The Simpson's , Aqua teen hunger force, Sea Lab 2021,Harvey Birdman, Venture Brothers,Invader Zim,The office, Fracier ,High Rev Tuners, old cartoons from the eighties. Any kind of cooking show or travel show.
"To kill a Mocking Bird" , " Carries Story"(or any other dirty book that's a good read), Where the Red Fern Grows", "Where the Wild Things Are", "One Flew Over the Cukoo's nest", "Lord of the flies" .
Bjork, Johnny Cash, Alexander McQueen, Dolly Parton