About Me

I Am Not Him or him But I Am. It’s More Than Just a Vision It’s My Life. And It’s Your Lives I'm Here To RePreSent I Am here For You. For All Thee tis not my Dream tis my reality I Bring Forth Upon Thee. Tis the time of redemption for holy ceremony. I Am Thee Seed Of ReDempTion. Journey With Me Sojourn With Me InTo Harmony. The Big Bang Is Still Just A Theory. UnTil You Add Who Is God. In These Galaxies Of Long Disappearance. You Find YourSelf Here Again. In The mecca Of This Theory. Just a Few Short Moments From It All. Just A Moment Too Close Too Thee Edge. But I Fall Not. For These Last Hours Have Falling Away. WithOut Notice Too Most. UnPreDictable If We'd Catch One Last Hour ToGether. til My Father BeCame OF Life. And Has Brought Me To Charge. So If You Want Just One Last Chance. RePent & RePreSent
What You See Is Not Always Reality. Appearance Is Shaped By Society. Goodbye To Yourself Because It’s You Whose Lost Reality. Captive To What Appears To Be Real Instead Of Reality. Follow Blindlessly Those Of Our Contemporaries. Idle To Reality. Materialistic Vs. Realistic. What Defines You? What You Have Or Who You Are? How You Act Isn’t Always Reality. Behind Closed Doors Reality Appears. And For Most You Appear To Be A Lie. And In My Famous Words I Shape Society. Society Doesn’t Shape me.I Am Thee Oh Great Religione Seed Of Redemption
People hear the words but miss the point instead of hearing the point they hear the words.Fallen victims to though it relates to destroying Our future. I have come up with the concepts for life. Drug-free, good morale, spiritual, fun, long-lived life, with more included in my book the concepts of life are aware of our future for a positive future a generation that shifts the paradigm.for today tomorrow and forever I say people of yesterday, today, the future. Things will change for the better our future will not fall victim to division. We will stand as leaders Lead our nations. Lead our planet. We are the sake so for our sake lets make our home, home. The key To life’s eternity I can show you but the media hasn’t wised up to let me on air. They are afraid of the power of speech. Afraid of our concurring the future instead they want only to concur our future. Now is the time of redemption we will. We must. Do this together. For two heads are better than one!AGREE. DON’T DISAGREE. BARGAIN BUT DON’T PLEA OUR FUTURE DEPENDENTS ON OUR TOMORROW OUR TOMORROW DEPENDENTS ON US PEOPLE OF TODAY AGREE AGREE!!! FOR OUR LIVES!!! REALLY PEOPLE FOR YESTERDAY FOR TODAY FOR TOMORROW LETS PLAN FOREVER.

My Interests


Member Since: 25/10/2007
Band Website: Lordi Boi Oh Great Religione
Band Members: Save The World - One Click At A Time!

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Click here to post this on your page or 'blogWhoSoEver Slayeth Cain, Vengeance Shall Be Taken On Him SevenFold. The Sun Gives Energy. Virgo Zodiac. Planet Mercury. Makes My Energy The Strongest. That’s Why You Feel Me So Much.An image it supposedly defines our characteristics in this case its called stereotyping no matter the race image defines character for a lot a vast amount of people on this globe and they all may have the same appearance but difference in characteristics. See where I’m going? We define character as appearance. We have forgotten what character really means gesticulations are just a figment of the whole. Now this allows other people to have despite toward your way of characteristics in joining a fest of stereotyping cowards of separation due to a visual of media or he say her say comment doesn’t apply to all. This keeps use separated some may have similar characteristics as other well known reactions or gestures of a certain character doesn’t mean you to immediately apply the full character onto this person. Now we take from these people a respect a stature lowers them too other because of we speak of these characters in such ways to associates. Not only the character but the image as well plus a lot more is applied without breach. Destroyed opportunities in life viewed in the public as someone they’ve carved not often conversed to apply full characteristics. Why you hadn’t been taking the time to apply it, you apply full oppression to only what concerns you which is sad.PRESIDENT DAV | OH GREAT RELIGIONE | LORDI BOI HOLY CEREMONY HAS BEGUN THIS IS FOR NATIONS OF ALL KIND. MY FATHER WANTS PEACE I WANT IT I WAS THOUGHT IN ELEMENTARY NOT TO SAY CAN'T SO I WOULD WANT IT MORE THAN MY FATHER AND MY BROTHER JESUS WHICH I KNOW BOTH MY FATHER AND BROTHER WANT IT EVEN MORE. JESUS IS MT BROTHER HE IS TO MORE I AM THAN I AM WHICH IS TRUE I AM WHICH IS TRUE I AM A YOUR CHANCE. CHANGE IS BOUND TO HAPPEN HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE? I SEE FACES OF ALL ETHNICITY WHO ALL SHARE COMMON INTEREST. JUST VIEWS HAVE COME TO SUBCONSCIOUS REACTIONS. I'D LIKE TO SAY I AM NOT THE SEED OF REDEMPTION I'M A SEED OF REDEMPTION JUSTICE SHALL PREVAIL.
Influences: Cole Paula - "I Don't Want To Wait For Our Lives To Be Over" I AM THEE OH GREAT RELIGIONE SEED OF REDEMPTION THE PEOPLE. HAVE I FORSAKEN MYSELF (WEEPING) ? FOR THESE EYES ARE MORE THAN I CAN BAARE WITNESS TO. TAKE ME AWAY THAT I MAY BE FREE.THE PART THAT HAS FORSAKEN ME IS YOU. Baller Block Records Custom made Business Tailor Made Business Societies Records Bank Blue Whale Blue Whale Banking Bank Beluga Whale Beluga Whale Banking Blue Whale Elegance Blue Whale Apparel Detsh detshé Gú Coré detshé Gú Cor Bungalow G - The Capitol G Series Arizona Bamma Boise
Sounds Like: My Soul people do not worship me as though I am my father is a jealous god and we must know who rules in order for us to follow I am not a god of gold silver nor bronze I just am worship my father whom has gave me thee honor of this tis not a split personality tis not a story or image tis me in thee flesh tis not ok too curse I apologize to everyone I made these songs before I came to be who I am lets not go thinking you will continue in the ways of today either you change now or I will not be remorseful I have flooded thee earths I have taking lives of the choose people what makes you think I will not take from you I am your conscience I am your dreams if you shall not see that I made of Moses a god and of Aaron a prophet from man if you shall doubt all shall perish those of whom have not found the light I am through my son alive if you'd rather disbelieve and die then keep your disobedience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was informed by Robert tilton that we are all made in the likeness of god which makes us gods and goddess now don't assume your just one immediately you must sacrifice all contemporary thought I'm totally draining my self I sure am close then I'd become a god not god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Record Label: Lordi Boi / Religione
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Somebodies are trying to murder

Somebodies are trying to murder me and I'd like to say, "I know who you are. That's not a smart idea"A lot of people love me for who I am, a lot of people despise me for what I am. I know who these pe...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Aug 2009 16:04:00 GMT

The season premiere of "The Show" on disc :) Season 1

I already dropped the mix online basically, but as you know the quality it's much better when it's in your stereo.I will be adding a few collaborations with some artist and giving the mix tape out for...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Jul 2009 18:30:00 GMT

Worship no other god

Luke 4:8And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.Exodus 34:14For thou shalt worship no oth...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 18:14:00 GMT

Matthew 20:23

Matthew 20:23And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Jul 2009 21:33:00 GMT


salvation >noun 1 Theology deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ. 2 preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss. 3 (one's...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 17:15:00 GMT

Wisdom and knowledge

Exodus 7:1And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.2 Chronicles 1:12Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give t...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 18:41:00 GMT

Facing the facts

Why do we keep calling Jesus the only son? Arent we all sons and daughters of Jehovah? If Jesus is a lord, doesnt that make us all a lord? You cannot be a god and a sinner, You must be pure as rainf...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:10:00 GMT

Glory Has Come

I have come to give apprehension to a vast majority of believers and disbelievers. No one in our age of time has came to acknowledge the realm of the power that I have, that our father who art in heav...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 17:20:00 GMT


Posted by on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 00:22:00 GMT


"In 1420 the greatest architects assembled in Florence to view the entries for the Florence's cathedral duomo. But when brunelleschi's turn came to explain his idea they laughed at his highly controve...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 15:37:00 GMT