Apo-low - La belleza de la violencia!! profile picture

Apo-low - La belleza de la violencia!!

"A picture can reside what we cant say with words

About Me

CON MIS MANOS LLENAS DE DERROTAS Y VICTORIAS, CON LA AYUDA DE AQUELLOS QUE ESTUVIERON A MI LADO INCONDICIONALMENTE!!!!!!   me gusta mucho el fiesteo hay que aprovechar antes de que llegue a viejo y el tiempo es corto en la vida

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God    Hang out with him The Devil    hang out with him aunke kreo ke aveces el janguea por hay :S Raven riley si la cojo :P

HOODSSerenity I came to you with all my problems And all i got was a script to repeat I didn't come this far to surrender I'm content standing on my own feetOh yeah! I got my own two feet! Keep telling me to give up my will Conquer the weakness cuz the weak get killed I've got my problems but not with my vision Laying down and giving up just isn't for meNo way! i'ts not for me I've got my heart and my fire And no power is higher I came to you when i was in trouble Fed me bullshit and i felt used There's no excuses now I know myself I don't need you to trust in myself"SURRENDER IS NOT AN OPTION"No matter how much you tell It's hopeless You've gotta keep fighting thats the only way I came to you with a whole lot of problems Fed me bullshit made me feel used No excuses now I've got a clue I don't need your meetings and I dont believe in you!

My Blog


     Dejar que tus miedos e inseguridades tomen controlha pasado tanto tiempo, ya es costumbre ya esta dentro de ti. Las quejas fluyen diariamente esta impregnado en tu mente. QUE  va  a pasar, que se...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 02:03:00 GMT