Six Things I LOVE about Six
1. The subject matter is great. Taoism, religion, Dr. Who, murder, television,
being 'different'. Being a zebra, girl, horse....whatever.. Yeah. It's all good.
2. The album cover makes a great poster when it is reeeaaalllly BIG!
3. Paul sings 'I feel like being a girl with so much..emotion ..it's
4. It is totally different than Attack of The Grey Lantern, yet it is awesome.
5. Cancer is -beyond words-. Typing..trying to describe the wonderfulness..waste
of time.
6. The rest of the songs are... really amazing too! and oooops. I ran out of
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All about the album 'Six'.
My new LOVE (not pushing Mansun out of the
picture of course)
Manic Street Preachers!