☠munky☠ profile picture


if i end up scratching your palm it only means i wanna fuck

About Me

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Sexual God

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a loving family...



hmm..... i did read all da harry potters... (dork)
<br /


Your results:
You are Iron Man

Iron Man 100%
The Flash 90%
Hulk 80%
Green Lantern 80%
Robin 77%
Spider-Man 75%
Supergirl 72%
Wonder Woman 72%
Catwoman 60%
Superman 50%
Batman 35% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Blog

Girlfriend Application

EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GIRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS!SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU!Ladies Title it "Boyfriend Application"Guys Title it "Girlfriend Application"1. Your Name:2. Age:3. Fa...
Posted by munky on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:47:00 PST