Volná Hudební Sešlost Prádelna profile picture

Volná Hudební Sešlost Prádelna

About Me

Neco málo o vývoji a složení kapely
Základ kapely vznikl již behem roku 2002, kdy se v magickém a umení velice prejícím meste Horicích v Podkrkonoší potkali dva lidi, a to Ramil s Milanem. Zpocátku akustické nadšení, podporované Pítrsem s bubínky, se brzy presunulo z jamování po Horicích do zkušebny ve mlýne u Kašparu. Tam se nalézá mimorádne hodný pan Kašpar, který prostory zkušebny zapujcil. Ve zkušebne predtím zkoušela "mlejnská" punková kapela Votom až potom (nejdrív Obnažení vlasové tkáne, Jiná chut), kde hrál Ramil, Kosák, a Tereza a Katka Kašparovy.
Milan s Ramilem a Pítrsem zacali hrát tam. Na bicí se pridala Tereza Kašparová a na tenor saxofón Dušan Jonák, zacli se scházet casteji a kapela, zatím ješte bez názvu nebo jakýchkoliv plánu do budoucnosti, byla na svete. Protože jsem je znal už drív a jsem taky hudební nadšenec, prišel jsem se na pozvání Terezy, tehdy spolužacky, podívat v lednu 2003 na jednu ze zkoušek/jamming sessions. Nejprve na didgeridoo, na druhou už jsem prišel sám od sebe a donesl si sebou svuj (zatím pujcený) saxofón. Brzo se pridal i brácha Adam na trubku. Behem ctrnácti dnu v únoru roku 2003 tak vzniklo vetší hudební teleso s obsazením basa - kytara - bicí - bubínky - tenorsax - altsax - trubka - zpev.
Nepojmenovaná kapela dostala behem roku 2003 název podle naší oblíbené reggae skladby - Klouzacka. Obcas jsme si delali srandu, že to je podle cesty do mlýna, protože horem se chodilo pres kopecek, kde v zime vždycky cekala ledová skluzavka. Pod jménem Klouzacka jsme odehráli první 2 koncerty v Chlumci nad Cidlinou a v Horicích na IV. ska night. V tomto období taky vznikaly skladby jako Intro, Olé-Právo žít, Alternativní žena, Harmonika, Klouzacka (ackoliv text je mnohem starší).
Zjara roku 2004 prišla na kapelu první zmena, jelikož Dušan, jeden ze zakladatelu, prodal tenora a vydal se na cesty smer Recko. Rovnež vyvstal problém bubeníka, protože Tereza hraní silne flákala (což je škoda). 3. koncert, 5.6.2004 v Novopackém rokáci, jsme odehráli ješte s ní, pak dostala ultimátum a brzy na to i vyhazov, který byl napul recený, napul automatický. Poté nastalo unplugged období, kdy jsme se ve zkušebne obcas sešli i všichni aktivne hrající clenové - Kuzmic, Ramil, Milan a Adam. Nastalo taky hledání bubeníka. To netrvalo ani moc dlouho a na zacátku léta se k nám pripojil bubeník s príhodnou prezdívkou - Buchin. Šlape mu to výborne. Kapela zmenila jméno na Volná Hudební Spolecnost - zkrácene VHS - Prádelna. Prádelna proto, že ve zkušebne u Kašparu drív bývala mlýnská prádelna. Zustáváme tak porád spojení s místem vzniku a zacátku kapely, i když už dávno zkoušíme jinde. Pozdeji byla Spolecnost v názvu nahrazena slovem Sešlost. Tedy Volná Hudební Sešlost Prádelna. Prodelali jsme i zmenu co se týce stylu hudby. Od té doby si hrajeme s mnohem více rozmanitejšími styly.
Hned zjara roku 2005 se ve mlýne rozhodli pro rozsáhlý rekonstrukce, což vedlo k vystehování a opuštení zkušebny. Jelikož aparatura byla místní, zustali jsme i bez ozvucení. Meli jsme jenom vlastní nástroje a pár kousku pujceného aparátu..
Nastalo opet hledání. Nejdrív jsme zkoušeli u Buchinovy rodiny v podkrovním byte, ale tam jsme si zazkoušeli 3x a zatrhli nám to - pod námi se klepal strop. Presunuli jsme se do miniaturní místnustky na zahrade. Tak tak jsme se tam vešli. Zahráli jsme si tam 2x a pochopili jsme, že když budem pokracovat, tak brzo ohluchnem. Až na konci léta nám moje (velice hodná) teta Jana nabídla použitelnou aparaturu a místnost. S Adamem a Milanem jsme se tam byli podívat a ozkoušet to a hned jsme to vzali. Jana tak našim choutkám propujcila luxusní velkou zkušebnu, kam jsme se co nejdrív nastehovali. Zacalo další období kapely..
Od tý doby zkoušíme v krásném, starém dome na míste, kde se výborne relaxuje a nabírá energie. Za celou dobu jsme odehráli kolem 40 koncertu plus spoustu jamu. Náš projekt uspokojuje náš neuspokojitelný hlad po hudbe. Hrajeme pro potešení svoje i pro potešení lidí, normálne i akusticky, s nadšením a od srdce. Inspirací se nám stává všechna možná hudba, svet, život, cokoliv... Nedeláme si velké ambice, ale naše hudba je chvílema docela kladne vnímaná. Náš styl by se dal oznacit jako fuze nebo alternativa, ale v dnešní dobe si lze za tímto názvem predstavit cokoliv.. VHS Prádelna ve svých skladbách míchá predevším funky, rokenrol, ska, jazz, reggae nebo treba punk, ale vlivu je mnohem víc.. Záleží na skladbe, kam je více priklonená. V dnešní dobe plné škatulkování jsme hrdí na svoji nezaškatulkovatelnost. Hudebních vlivu je mnoho, a stejne tolik se jich odráží i v tom, co hrajeme..
Od jara 2006 nás bylo jenom 5 - Adam, do té doby hrající na trubku a rovnež prispívající svým hlasovým potenciálem, odešel z kapely, protože nechtel cvicit, a radši se chtel venovat necemu jinému. Je to docela škoda, ale zmena je život. Obcas si s námi zazpívá na koncerte...
17.6.2006 vznikla živá nahrávka na horických Zahradních slavnostech v lomu u Josefa. Hráli jsme poslední (7.) a vzhledem k tomu, že jsme už tou dobou byli znacne opilí, kvalita nahrávky stojí za prd. 27. ledna 2007 vzniká v Bystrici další živá nahrávka, která je kvalitou o velký kus lepší, ale stále ješte máme dost co dohánet. Dnes už má naše kapela za sebou znacný posun dopredu . Hudba nás porád baví taková jakou hrajem a ve zkušebne se porád neco deje..
Ke konci roku 2007 se Prádelne nevyhýbají personální zmeny. A to ne tak ledajaké. Z kapely na podzim odešel Pítrs (perkuse), protože necvicil, nechodil na zkoušky a stagnoval ve svojí tvorbe. Paralelne dostáváme darem 2 staro-nové dechare. Znovu s námi zacal hrát Dušan Jonák, jeden ze zakl.clenu, tentokrát na alt-saxofon, a Tonda Chrz, který s námi cvicí už od jara 2007 na tenor-saxofon. Aby toho nebylo málo, v lednu'08 se pridal nový (urcite schopnejší) perkusionista - Martin "Skalic" Skala. Zacátkem roku 2008 naše seskupení slaví, nebo spíš nechává za sebou již 5 let existence. Vypadá to, že se uzavírá kruh a chystá se na nové, možná prelomové období.. Prožili jsme spolu už hodne dobrého i zlého a urcite nás ceká ješte dlouhá cesta. Kdo ví, co na ní potkáme?
Na podzim 2008, kdy naše kapela byla již dobře sehraná, zajetá, tvořila nové songy a začínala se velmi dobře rozjíždět, přelom skutečně přišel. Z kapely po 4 letech odešel důležitý hráč, člen bandy. stylově nenapodobitelný bubeník Jirka Bucháček alias Buchyn. S ním kapela získala svůj "sound", písničky dostaly podobu. Buchyn za sebe sehnal talentovaného bubeníka- Vláďu z Nové Paky, ale naše spolupráce se bohužel nevyvíjela požadovaným směrem a naše cesty se musely rozejít. Někdy na přelomu února a ledna se za pomoci Skaliče naše cesty zkřížily s Marcelem, výborným to bubeníkem z Dobrušky. Hudebně jsme si takříkajíc "padli do ucha" a na stejné vlně jsme započali nové, stejně našláplé období Prádelny...
A little word about evolution and composition of the band
Roots of the borning band are in the year 2002, when Ramil Gasanov (born in Novosibirsk) and Milan Kyral (from Orlické mountains), two musicians who were looking for each other for a long time, met each other on a magic and art-loving town Horice v Podkrkonoší. Acoustic enthusiasm on the first, supported by percussion of another Orlické mts.. friend Pítrs (Petr Jiskra or Houba Pítrs), was soon turned from jamming in town into a playing room (studio) in Kašpar..s mill. A really good man, Mr. Kašpar lives there, and he lended his studio to forming band. Another band from Kašpar..s daughters, mill..s punk band Votom až potom, practised there, until they broke.
Milan (bass), Ramil (guitar) and Pítrs(bongos) from the goodness of Mr. Kašpar began to play there. Tereza Kašpar on the drums and Dušan Jonák with tenorsaxophone had joined and the band was born, meanwhile without a name or future plans. Because I knew all of them some time and I..m music lover too, I decided, based on the words of Tereza, who was my schoolmate, to go on one of the jamming sessions to "look and listen", and try something with then on didgeridoo. I was enjoying this, and on the next session i brought my altosaxophone, which I was learning on for a few months. My brother Adam soon joined too, playing a trumpet and singing. In the short time of two weeks rised a musical group with composition bass - guitar - drums - percussion - vocals - tenorsax - altsax - trumpet. You nearly couldn..t hear anything in our little room (former mill..s laundry), when the brasses began to play all together.
We played ska most, or tried at least. But there wer many influences, and all of them had subscribed on the sound of our band. During the year 2003, a name "Klouzacka" ("Slide"), which was our favourite song, was given to the noname band. We were joking somewhen, that the name is because of the way to the mill. The mill is under the hill, and every winter, there was a serious ice-slide. Under this name we played two aur first concerts, in Chlumen nad Cidlinou and at 4th skareggae night in Horice. During this time episode were born songs as "Intro", "Harmonika", "Alternativní žena", "Olé-Právo žít" or "The Slide", which has older text.
In 2004..s spring, first little crisis fell down on our band. Dušan, one of the founders, sold tenorsaxophone and travelled out to Greece. There was a problem of new drummer, too, because Tereza wasn..t playing so much and cheated practised. She changed the drums for a man Peter Lexa. Our third concert on Nová Paka..s rock club she played with us, but soon we gave her deadline and then she had gone away. It was in good - she comprehended. A little unplugged times began then. We all musically active members of the band (Milan, Ramil, me, Adam, somewhen Pítrs) were time by time meeting, practising and jamming in the mill, and looking around for a new drummer. It did not take a long time and in May we found drummer Jirí Buchácek with a very convenient nickname - Buchin, which means something like "Beating Man" in Czech. He joined us during one jam session with him. He is really good and music-loving, and in the joint with us the sound was from this time as all wanted. The band changed it..s nema in this period, too, on a "Volná Hudební Sešlost Prádelna" ("Free Musical Meeting Laundry"). Laundry beacause of former mill..s laundry in our playing room. However we practise for a long time on another place, this way we stay connected with our place of rise. The sound of our band changed too - with Dušan..s leave, we registered more tendencies to not play only ska - our music nearly turned out of this style, from this time we play with more different music styles.
In the year 2005, Mr. Kašpar decided to do large innovations and re-constructions of the mill..s buldings. We had to leave the playing room, where was all music device. We had only our own instruments and few pieces of device..
Another seeking began. We were lookoing for some practising room, where we can play loud and when we want, without any problems with neighbours. We tried first on the under-roof room in Buchin..s house in Bašnice, but his family prohibited it, because of a big movements of ceiling when he played drums. Them we moved to a really smallest room i..ve ever seen, in Buchin..s family house, too. We played there for two times and we comprehended that if we will continue there, we..ll turn deaf. But in the end of summer, our very good aunt offered us to play in her not used (or few times used) house on the end of our village. We played there with Milan and Adam by one time and we decided in second, that we want to play there. So we practise there, and it is only positive. Another period of life of a band began...
From summer 2005, we practise in a beautiful, old house, on a place, which is very good for relax and receiving energy. Through our history, we have played about 40 concerts, with many and many jam sessions in Horice - on Gotthard hill, in park, in pubs. Our music project is satisfying our unsatisfactionable hunger for music. We play to pleasure ourselves or anyone else around, acoustic or electric, with joy and frou our hearts. Our inspiration is all kinds of music, the world, our lives, everything... We don..t have big ambitions, but our music has a positive replies, especially in our hometown Horice. Our style can be named as "fusion", alternative or world music, but today, you can imagine everything under this style name. Our band mixes in it..s music especially jazz, funky, rock..n..roll, ska, reggae, ethno or punk, but you can find more musical influences in our music. It depends on the mood of every song. Today, in the time of strict names and expressions, we enjoy our style elusivity. There are many influences, and our music is like mirror of them..
From the spring of year 2006, we played only in five - Adam (trumpet and vocal), decided do give most of his time to theatre, writing and poetry, not to practising trumpet, and left the band. It..s a shade, but lifer is change..
17th June 2006 in the Joseph..s Mine in Horice was recorded our first live record. We played last (7th), our show was beginning at about 1 A.M. and we were drunk and stoned, so the quality of this record wasn..t so good. It..s shit. But 27th January 2007 we put the thing right, and we recorded another show in Bystrice pub. The quality was much better, but it wasn..t as good as we wanted. Today, we..ve moved in our music more forward.
Personal changes did not missed our band at the end of 2007. And no little changes. In autumn, Pítrs had left, because he didn..t visit any session for two months, only shows, and there was a stagnation in his playing. So we kicked his laziness out of the band. Collaterally, two saxo players had joined us. Tonda Chrz on tenorsaxophone (practising and jamming with us from the spring..07) and old-new member Dušan on alto-saxofone, also helping with backing vocals. To fill, new and very able percusionist Martin "Skalic" Skala hand joined us in the January 2008, and then soon one of the founders, Adam Ryška as the backing vocal.. In the beginning of year 2008 we celebrate, oe left behind, 5 years of band existence. It seems the circle is closing and begins new, maybe important time. We was together in many good and evil, and more experiences are in front of us on our way. Who knows, what we..ll meet on it?
The break point really came. In autumn 2008, when our band was great practised and togethered, producing new songs and having bright future. Important part of our party and drummer with unique style, Jirka Buchacek aka Buchyn, left the band. With him, our band got its sound, so the songs. Buchyn recommended us a tallented young drummer Láďa from Nová Paka. We peractisem together some time, but out cooperation hasnt wanted trend and our journes became different. Somewhen on the end of winter, with luck and Skaličs help, we met Marcel Vantík, a really good and tallented drummer from Dobruška. We was jamming in pub and day after in studio and we discovered our same waves. So with Marcel began a new era of Prádelna, with the same drive as before..

My Interests


Member Since: 25/10/2007
Band Website: http://vhspradelna.wz.cz
Band Members: Milan Kyral - bass, vocals
Ramil "Rámus" Gasanov - guitar, main vocal
Marcel Vantík - drums
Martin "Skalič" Skala - percussion, vocals
Vit "Kuzmič" Ryska - tenor saxophone
Dušan Jonák - alt saxophone, vocals
guests: Tonda Chrz - tenor saxophone
Adam "Kanada" Ryska - backing vocal

Influences: jazz, ska, rock'n'roll, reggae, funky, punk, bigbeat, underground, balkan, world music, drums, hardcore, metal, drum'n'bass, jungle, alternative, psychedelic, rap, electronic, dance, pop, classic, and jamming parties.
Sounds Like: Our band sounds like all our musical and life influences in one sound . * Nase kapela zni jako vsechny nase hudebni a zivotni vlivy dohromady .

Record Label: do it yourself, man....
Type of Label: Unsigned

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