FONT profile picture


About Me

FONT is a five piece Indie band formed in Tehran Capital of the Iranian Islamic Republic.

Ash and Pooya came up with the idea of the band back in 2006.FONT was later joined by Souroush as (Drummer ) and Kaveh as ( Bassist ).At the time, it seemed that the band is really hitting it off and soonthey gained major recognition in the small music community of Iran as They Played unbelievable shows inUniversities and small underground places which had a Huge success and leaded their way to a seriouscareer and going global.

The band recorded its first EP DEMO album " A lovely day to kill a moment " in 2007, which was mainlyIndie-rock and punk-rock and Never hit any music stores !

It was in August 1st 2007 when the band made the history in Iran's music history by managing anunderground rock concert with some other bands in Karaj ( Tehran Suburb ). Ofcourse things like thathappen rarely in a country such as Iran. So there was no wonder that the crowd rushed to the biggest eventin history. Nearly 600 people gathered around. From regular teenagers to other musicians, actors, studentsand so on, It was the first world class Open-Air Concert after irans 1979 revolution.

The music was going and laughter floating when doors were crashed by the Iranian Police. Mercedes benzes,helicopters and police forces rushed in. " people trying to escape through the walls, screaming andrunning, I was just lying on the grass, numb, shocked but unable to make a move. Escaping was a briefmoment that passed my mind but staying and sticking to my brother and friends and to our instruments mademore sense at that moment, Knowing what we did was Playing Music !!!" Ash recalls.

Nearly 250 people were arrested that day accused of attending a "satanic" party and disrupting moralities.All the band members were sentenced to prison for 21 days.

After taking the charges, the band gathered around, totally devistated. To total surprise they didn’t backoff but Recorded their second Collection " A free world Isnt It? " which is 3 Tracks of Speed up Indierock songs.

Their style changed from a rock and roll band to mainly a more Minimal-Pop Sound, influenced by bands suchas blocparty and Foals and persons such as Philip Glass and Steve reich, they used minimal harmonies intheir musical composition. Although music was going well, the band faced some difficulties within itselfwhen Souroush ( former Drummer ) declared that he was no longer willing to accompany the band. As beforeFONT never crashed and was joined by Ali as the new drummer.

The band became even more influenced by Their own kind of Composition and tried to get even closer tominimalism in harmony .

FONT is currently working on its Debut album and is willing to tour in UK soon.

Stay Tuned for the official website updates
FONT Channel on YouTube !! Check out the latest video stuff.
An article about FONT and iranian underground music :
An article about FONT Band in Saudi Gazette news paper published in UK :
"Zabtesot is a Record Label dedicated to Iranian underground musicians to release and promote the newgeneration of Persian music worldwide. We plan to release albums and organize musical events, trying tomake a connection between Iranian young generation of musicians and the international music scene specially in Berlin where Zabtesot is being operated. Thefirst rule of Zabtesot is TEAMWORK so we are a platform which has no borders. We use all kinds of newtechnology [Web..MP3.....] as a tool to let Iranian musicians be heard as louder as possible. "
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My Interests


Member Since: 25/10/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Pooya (Vocal)

Sam (Bass)

Patrick (Drums)

Ash (Bass-Vocal)

Bam (Synths)

Influences: Home Office /Peter Griffin / Noodle / Waiting in the line for GAS / Sir Torshi/ Chicken Nuggets/ Mahboobe/ NAMADI hat/Yahya/Mozafar eddin SHAH / PMC / mesQaalin/ Key Hole / Hormones in Head PHONES / For Love or Money TV show/ Ebrahim Tatlis/ LandLord / King Raam / 10 fingers Solo / Zlatan ibrahamovic / Camden / AAb Maghz / Doggy Juice / Ricken Baker / KeYsuN / ETC ...
Sounds Like: O*X*O

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

NEW SONGS Dedicated to All the young people and Protesters in IRAN

Hello We Uploaded two New songs recorded in our small flat in London , FONT is Dedicating this song with a Broken Heart to all Brave Brothers and Sisters in Iran screaming their hearts out these days ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 17:35:00 GMT

Writing , Recording, Writing , Recording

We are Writing , recording ... deleting old sounds,  Writing , recording ... Deleting bad onesWriting , recording ... Bacon and NoodleWriting , recording ... Out for FootbalWriting , Recording ... Fin...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 07:08:00 GMT

3 NEW songs " Eyes Gold" ," Hide ","Forget The Magic"

Hey everyoneFONT is Back with 3 new tracks which is being experienced for the upcoming album. Please let us know what you think about NEW songs.Stay Tuned for Show dates and more Media.Cheers .. src=...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 14:49:00 GMT


Hey FellasOur newly recorded songs are on the way to be able to listen on Our Myspace Page and also available to download soon !Stay tuned for more Media and 2009 Tour datesCheers
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 08:32:00 GMT


After some constructions, Our Offical Website is uploaded !! Please chek us at : WWW.FONTBAND.COM
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 14:26:00 GMT

Latest Interview on DISTORTED Magazine JAN 2008 Issue

Please check our latest Interview on the punk rock magazine DISTORTED ! at :
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 13:50:00 GMT

Police canceled Mondays Show at Tehran Conservatory

Tehran Police has Canceled the few shows at Tehran conservatory of music for unknown reason . Again and again !
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 13:50:00 GMT

Welcome to our new myspace page !!!!

Hey everyone , Welcome to our new myspace page , u will find our recent news and media Stay tuned
Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:30:00 GMT