JayySantana.™ [LTRH] profile picture

JayySantana.™ [LTRH]

I am here for Friends

About Me

/style i want you.♥
About me; who else?

Once bonded, nothing can untie fate's knot.

Name: Jailene.
I'm alive because God wants me to be.
Otherwise, I'd be dead. So I am. And you know when things go wrong for you?
It's because somehow, someway, you did something that affected the outcome of your present. Even if it was just you. Being yourself.
You still got what you got. Because in the end. When you learn to be a better person, in the name of God, no matter how long you wait and liveyour life waiting, you'll get what you deserve. It's all in the outcome of consequences. They're netiher good, or bad. They just happen.
Who you are, and what you chose to belive determines what you recieve. And if you don't learn from the negative outcomes in your past life, then you'll be repeating a cycle. A circle.
Then you chose to blame someone else ((or God)) for it. When you're the one who chose to not learn from your ignorant personality.
And by ignorant, I don't mean "immature asshole". Look it up.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Chain By: Back-on ♥ (I LOVE YOU TEEDA!)
In no order
This is my baby right here. And yes, he's cuter than w/e you have for a pet.

My Blog

Love vs. Sex

A young university student was home for the summer.She had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year.She ended up staying...
Posted by JayySantana.™ [LTRH] on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 10:44:00 PST

Letter From the Devil

PAY ATTENTION TO THE P.S. at the end!!Letter From the DevilThis can really make you think. It actually made me really madwhile I was reading it, but I had to send it becauseof the P.S.This is deep... ...
Posted by JayySantana.™ [LTRH] on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 09:42:00 PST

Does God Really Excist?

does God exist? Is there a God?. Do you believe that there is someone out there, who created the heavens and the earths, watches our every move, and carries us at our lowest times? Do you believe...
Posted by JayySantana.™ [LTRH] on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:36:00 PST