:::EveryMan Jerm::: profile picture

:::EveryMan Jerm:::


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dunno, I see this guy in the mirror every morning and wonder who he is myself. Those who know, know and love. I do alot of programming work and some design on the side. I get outside when I can. I love movies... and that is an understatement. I'm a fan of all kinds of music, especially music from that one band that no one's heard of yet... those guys that are playing out of their garage down the street. Good times with my friends are a must. Traveling is always one day away. And photography and golf are new hobbies. I live, I work, I play...

What's there to say? I've been around for 29 years, floating on this rock we call earth figuring out how I want to make my mark. How do you want to make yours? Maybe with crayons, they are so underestimated that its not funny. I learned many years ago that pastels are glorified crayons. I learned this from an old man, and old crotchety mad who taught me that painting a landscape picture is not only about what you see, its about what you want to see. Life is my pastels... and I'm gonna use them.

Who do I want to meet? YOU of course!... Your here aren't you? Are you interesting? Smart? Cute? Giggly? Sarcastic? Annoying? Good at dancing but not good at cooking? Love to eat at seedy diners and hate high end restaurants? Like driving out by the airport to watch the planes go by? Listen to nothing but indy CD's because radio just doesn't give ya the same musical artistry anymore? Hate driving in traffic at 5pm? Think that going to bed at 9pm is absurd? Addicted to breath mints? ...... Thats right ... you. Click the add button. You know you want to.

click here to read my blog. its fun I promise...


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My Blog

Clarence is Da Man

The Citzen Cope concert is tonight! I am excited to say the least. The last time I watched this guys show was great. The show was just him, playing an acoustic set with looped backdrops as needed for ...
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:55:00 PST

U - Haul ( The lifesucker )

We've all been there. We've all waited in line. We've all thought the same thing:" Why? Why must this place take so long? "This place is almost as bad as the DMV. Its like a vortex of time, sucking yo...
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:49:00 PST

28 !

So I turned 28 today people. So far 28 is kinda boring. We'll see how it turns after work. I still say I'm a sexy bitch for 28!-peaces my peeps
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Mon, 08 May 2006 12:55:00 PST

Film Festivals

Are you a film buff? I am. Ever since I can remember what movies were, I've loved them. I love the silver screen. Now it could be the whole "Larger than life" experience, or it could be how you get a ...
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Tue, 02 May 2006 08:03:00 PST


Tuesdays. I like Tuesdays. How about you?Aside from normal everday "second day of the week" feeling we get, Tuesday is generally is a good day. For me Tuesday is 1 day closer to my last working day of...
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 06:50:00 PST

Interesting Day

For those of you who really know me, you know that I absolutey hate eating lunch alone. However, *if* I have to, I will on occassion bring a book with me and read while I watch people. Today I venture...
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:54:00 PST

Telephone Text Spam!!!!!

As I write this blog my phone is making it obligatory *bling!* sound to alert me that I have a message awaiting. This message is, yes you have it right, this message is SPAM!Now this guy is angered, a...
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:47:00 PST


Scotch Scotch Scotch, I love scotch, down in my belly. That is all. Smile! Today really isn't that bad.
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:49:00 PST

Ex's and such

* I took down this blog. I felt it was too "gripy" and I don't like that. * 
Posted by :::EveryMan Jerm::: on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:55:00 PST