UPDATED: 05.28.2006
I eat tuna. I covet the Bowie<3. I'm 22 in August. I am a superhero and I own the Power Rangers. I like to put babies on spikes and walk around in high heels and not fall over. Coconuts are my preferred method of transportation and I am Jack's deranged mind. cheese. Some people like blondes and the smart ones like asians. I refuse to get upset for a guy who'll eat borscht all his life in a hat like a tea cozy. Always swim like a bird and fly like a fish, it's more fun. I have one sexy leg, and one brainy. One of them went to Harvard. I paint. I sing. I dance. I play. I write music and songs. I am at a constant speed of 847mph. I have a severe aversion to Sean Connery. And Richard Gere is nowhere close to the dog's bollocks. If I make fun of you with a smile it's like giving you a hug. I can't stop here, this is bat country. I have never tipped a cow or a presidential election. But someday with hard work and determination, I hope to. I am what one would label an eccentric. 42. I wish to own an American Standard Farm Pig (name: Sir Francis). Also a Vietnamese Potbelly Pig (name: Din-Din). I am debating whether or not I should see if it will eat bacon. Humidity is my kryptonite, but I do love me some hurricane. I'm sort of dumb with boys, for fuck's sake just TELL me. I always participate in Towel Day. I am the Alpha. And quite possibly the Omega. I like conclusions. Here is mine: I could quite possibly be perfect.
i like it when people message me online. do it, punk.
AIM-S/N: Taloque
EMAIL: asmonet [at] gmail [dot] com
that's under construction. umm cause im lazy and i'd rather make someone else's site for money than make mine. :-P