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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i converse with plants and animals.
i have premenatory dreams.

music and physical performance are my most effective means of communication with humans other than my dearest love, leandra.

i enjoy all the serendipities and syncronicities that occur from the fusion of my dreams and my waking life. i love the seattle public library.
i love to cook, playing crossculturally and using ingredients i've not used before.

i love the wisdom my grandmother intentionally and unintentionally passes to me, and the depth of her love for her family and this world- it has certainly had a large impact on my formation as a human- thanks, gram.

more shizzlins @ and

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

those who ride the rim and can see multiple dimensions, who work to remain aware of themselves and their relationship to their immediate and extending environments, and encourage others to expand also; healers, mythmakers, truthtalkers, pilgrims.


balinese gamelan, kecak, mingus, hendrix, elfman, willie nelson, tin hat trio, lulacruza, stuff that doesn't acknowledge boundaries, that effectively communicates the perceptions, observations and emotions of the composer or performer or their enviornment.


are a luxury. and i enjoy this luxury, and allow myself full immersion into cinematic worlds, especially in old theaters. i look for quality productions that push the medium, rely on the strength of the characters, story and actors, and convey complex ideas. im a sucker for archetypes and humor(especially when twisted). terry gilliam comes rushing to mind...
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is a good replacement for bowling pins


castenada, don miguel ruiz, derrick jensen, usagi yojimbo, tao te ching, a pattern language, medicinal plants of the pacific west, joseph cambell, alan watts, the way of no thinking, anything that inspires me to put the book down and create.

My Blog


though i agree with everything i wrote to myspace concerning sexads, i would like to step back a bit.. i imagine i could be viewed as a drooling zealot, hellbent on rightwinging anything i could hit w...
Posted by shiznerd on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 01:39:00 PST

my complaint to myspace

this is a copy of a letter i sent to mypace's customer service department.if you have similar concerns, please write me and write myspace.also, if you know of how i might be more effective in voicing ...
Posted by shiznerd on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:31:00 PST


i got tagged and i'll play along since its a 6 and 6 :tounge:six wierd thangs about me:1. i french kiss my pets. though i never got any tounge from my pigs.2. everything is a musical instrument to me,...
Posted by shiznerd on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 01:45:00 PST


i blog most frequently @
Posted by shiznerd on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 01:27:00 PST