Good Evening 'Kellik' Peoples....
Unfortunately we're no more. Whilst searching for a drummer we decided that this was the best route to take. The music hasn't stopped, I'm now singing in a new band called Confederate (no1 in friends) and we're currently working on material which we're recording January 2008. Andy is also working on a new project 'Kartel' (No2 in friends).
We would like to thank everyone who lent an ear to our sound and made this amazing journey a special one. We love you all. We'd also like to thank the venues, universitys, promoters that have allowed us to be on the road and the bands that we've met along the way. Oh, and a very special 'BIG' thanks to Andy Taylor at 'Of the radar recordings' the man responsible for our recordings and introducing me to dragon pie.
"Thank you all"
Much love - Chris x
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