"The new Cool Kids video directed by GL Joe and filmed by Jake Z also known as Dudes Who Taped Hype Williams Videos Growing Up And Now Make Better Ones For A Lot Less Money."-The Fader magazine- Rolling Stonewhat i aspire to be one day
I've met so many people, all good people. but honestly i would love to meet you ifA.) you can cook a good mealorB.) you can get me a job that pays rentthese are my dudeselmetrocircle (3:50:01 PM): how much do they pay there sojewsaid (3:50:13 PM): 9 sojewsaid (3:50:20 PM): so its kinda shitty sojewsaid (3:50:26 PM): but whatever I'm selling dildos
myspace.com/choiceofchicago myspace.com/flosstradamus myspace.com/kidsister myspace.com/vyle myspace.com/gocoolkids myspace.com/qualo myspace.com/v8 myspace.com/musicmadebymeandmystuff myspace.com/missgabisthabombdotcom and introducing www.myspace.com/vetyver
history channel and discovery channel
im to busy to read, yeah a poor excuse. i like to read magazines.