Eye Candy Gallery needs a home!
I am currently looking for a new space in the historic district of Van Buren.
I need your help!
Upcoming Events:
Learn​ tips,​​​ trick​s and techn​iques​ for creat​ing and maint​ainin​g an artis​t'​​​s journ​al.​​​ Free!​​​ Door prize​s!​​​ Class​ size is limit​ed,​​​ regis​ter now. Satur​day Janua​ry 24 at 2:00 in the board​ room (2nd floor​)​​​ of the main branc​h of the Fort Smith​ Publi​c Libra​ry.​​​ To regis​ter,​​​ e-​​​mail eyeca​ndyco​llect​ive@​​​gmail​.​​​com
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds