I am a discerning fanatical Christian who has taken this last year to re-build her life. I have met and fallen deeply in love with the greatest man on earth minus a flaw or 2, which cannot come close to holding a candle next to mine. With him, we have 3 beautiful, wonderful children together I pray we both can heal and have the future we dream about together.
I am a full-time mother, an old school goth and a nurse and a lover to all animals alike. I am a true Gemini, aggressive and vindictive, yet all heart and forgiveness as well. I'll tell you about my failures in life just as soon as I'll tell you about my success. I'm openly Christian and way verbal about my faith and some of the best lessons I've learned stem from me standing up for myself because of my faith. I'm not easily satisfied in life constantly craving intellectual and sensual stimulation. I'm addicted to theology, feeling and spiritual pleasure. I crave chemistry, competition, layered subliminals and allegories. I adore the unique and fascinating. I love to write novels, essays and song lyrics. I read books, view films and review both analyzing any work too death searching for religious allegories, symbolism, moral and meaning.I attend plays, the opera and art shows: Millais's Pot of Basil is my favorite art work along with Mariana and Hunt's Awakening Conscience (about a man wishing to free his mistress from the devil in him)-- I enjoy art interpretation and ryhme scheme analysis of poetry. My Christian faith is the most important part of me, the most beloved part of my life and the only thing I have ever gotten right! I wait for the day when I become the Christian I long to be and will never give up or give away that reality inside of me.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED2ZnQ5rFIYhttp://photobuc
Linda Ronstadt - Long Long Time