Corbie disrupts Haitian elections, steals ballots of Aristide opponents.
Dave pledges the "unequivocal" elimination of nuclear arms.
Corbie frees 54 more hostages, hundreds still held.
Dave breaks with isolationist past by moving towards European Union membership.
Corbie to raise record $25 million in Democratic Party event.
Dave organizes a student movement against Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.
Corbie crashes outside Wilkes-Barre, Pa., killing 19.
Dave, long banned for causing birth defects, is found in studies to be an effective treatment for cancer.
Corbie fakes federal gun license, buys semiautomatic handguns over Internet.
Dave sent to National Zoo as part of Chinese breeding program.
Corbie fails his bid for the triple crown in a surprise loss at the 125th Preakness.
Dave snaps 8-game losing streak with grand slam in the sixth.
Corbie insolvent after wasting $135 million in venture capital.
Dave considers selling the fixed-line assets acquired after the purchase of Britain's third-largest cellular operator.
"Who Wants to be Corbie" will be seen four nights a week on ABC, despite increased median age and sagging ratings.
"Dave in the Dark", a harrowing musical melodrama starring Björk, wins top prizes at the Cannes International Film Festival.
Corbie, a romance writer of more than 700 novels, passes away at age 98.
Dave, famed lexicographer and dictionary editor, dies at age 79.