Do not even THINK about sending me a friend request without sending me a message first. I don't like collecting people. If I do not know who you are, I am NOT adding you. This goes especially for bands. This is easy to understand.I'm kind of a dork/art chick/adreneline junky.
'Intelligence' is a quest of mine, it will always be, except in the 'intelligent enough to finish something you started' kinda way. I have all of these ideas swirling around in my head, I'll sketch them out, start them, get into them, get bored, find something else fun, and forget where I started, and, yeah, you see where this is going.
I also find that I like doing stupid things as well, like: I love the way that piercings feel:the going inside yourself and hearing the pop of the flesh being pierced and then the warm, searing pain. I think that getting a tattoo tickles, the way underneath the a weird way. Like an itch you can't quite scratch. I've recently gotten into scarification and brandings. I think I might want to get into suspension, I'm not sure. I've already tried other things for adreniline rushes: I race cars, I whitewater raft, sky-dive... so I guess I'm always looking for the next rush. You could say I'm a bit 'bent'.
I have a terribly warped sense of humor and quite a dark side to me. I like to explore this side on a regular basis (even though I don't look like I do). I WON'T hesitate to tell you what I think... about you, about what we're talking about, or just about anything in general, so be careful what you ask, because I'll tell you. I'm vivacious, tempermental, ALWAYS sleepy, loyal, non-linear thinker, free willed, VERY stubborn, opinionated, talkative, fun to hang around with, to go out for sushi with, snowboard with, go out for cocktails, dancing & oogling or just bitch to. Overall? I think I'm a pretty damned cool person to be friends with!
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... breath taking
Your hugs are... warm
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... eternal
Quiz created with MemeGen !