Heather profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Do not even THINK about sending me a friend request without sending me a message first. I don't like collecting people. If I do not know who you are, I am NOT adding you. This goes especially for bands. This is easy to understand.I'm kind of a dork/art chick/adreneline junky.
'Intelligence' is a quest of mine, it will always be, except in the 'intelligent enough to finish something you started' kinda way. I have all of these ideas swirling around in my head, I'll sketch them out, start them, get into them, get bored, find something else fun, and forget where I started, and, yeah, you see where this is going.
I also find that I like doing stupid things as well, like: I love the way that piercings feel:the going inside yourself and hearing the pop of the flesh being pierced and then the warm, searing pain. I think that getting a tattoo tickles, the way underneath the skin...in a weird way. Like an itch you can't quite scratch. I've recently gotten into scarification and brandings. I think I might want to get into suspension, I'm not sure. I've already tried other things for adreniline rushes: I race cars, I whitewater raft, sky-dive... so I guess I'm always looking for the next rush. You could say I'm a bit 'bent'.
I have a terribly warped sense of humor and quite a dark side to me. I like to explore this side on a regular basis (even though I don't look like I do). I WON'T hesitate to tell you what I think... about you, about what we're talking about, or just about anything in general, so be careful what you ask, because I'll tell you. I'm vivacious, tempermental, ALWAYS sleepy, loyal, non-linear thinker, free willed, VERY stubborn, opinionated, talkative, fun to hang around with, to go out for sushi with, snowboard with, go out for cocktails, dancing & oogling or just bitch to. Overall? I think I'm a pretty damned cool person to be friends with!
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... breath taking
Your hugs are... warm
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... eternal
Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Interesting, INTELLIGENT, fun people to hang out, chill, & talk with!
HOWEVER, if you're a dick, have the mental capacity of a scallop, someone who collects people in accordance to their looks alone, (because, if yout the lame-ass person that isn't social, and thinks that getting the fake people with the NOT-real pics on the computer makes you popular..step. This isn't highschool folks. Had enough of that there.)

My Blog

have I told you yet..

that my head hurts...I'm unemployed..I'm PMSing..I'm proke as a joke..(that's not so funny)..I don't know how I'm gonna pull THIS one off...perhaps with some acrobatic skills and creative breath holdi...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 17:09:00 GMT


why is it that sometimes in life, you're given some of THE most hardest of decisions to make in the light of new revelations? recently...things in my life have just became just...well, completely fuck...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 21:55:00 GMT

It's like I'm not even here..

Just to inform you all... I have no access to the internet as of right now. I'm conspiring with AT & T so that MAYBE perhaps I can actually hav e my phone work and computer work...because I guess that...
Posted by on Fri, 19 May 2006 14:44:00 GMT

Jasper P. Morning Child

I'm sitting here smoking at the computer (hehe...I'm smoking INSIDE!!! well, because outside smells like dogshit) when I SHOULD be at Meijer getting those plastic tote-thingies..I feel better, now tha...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:19:00 GMT

moving right along

I am smelly. I feel gross. my apartment is basically devoid of furniture except for the computer desk, chair, entertainmet center an clothes and garbage everywhere...and then theres my room. I feel li...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 13:25:00 GMT


thankfully, it was just the usually. a high 2. *sigh of relief* Now I only have to worry about the packing my life away into cardboard boxes. It's not that I'm afraid of the whole moving, really...it...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 14:35:00 GMT

when you're alone to think...

Hmmm. I'm having one of those nights again where all I can do is sit here and think. nothing is helping me get my mind off of the 2 most pressing matters in my head: the OBGYN called me back with resu...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:48:00 GMT

faith, fright, and fundamental reasons for leaving

So one thinks to ones self... how real are things when you're not there? I mean..I shouldn't have to be somewhere at all times in order to trust..why do I feel so insecure? why is there evidence all ...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 23:56:00 GMT

I got me one, Elvis!!

so I got me one of them there jobs. and it seems like a damned good one. kinda backwards in the making...but it's nice. I'm the creative driving force..which is fucking GREAT to be finally noticed tha...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 14:58:00 GMT

Bleed on...bleed away...

Which Tori Amos song are you?Precious ThingsSchool. Religion. Sex. All disappointments. Let them bleed.Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
Posted by on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 14:53:00 GMT