Vedran Martinovich
soccer plays on position
/leftmidfilder/forward midfilder/forward/
Vedran was born in Zagreb/Croatia 20 12. 1986.Vedran..s footbal begin
club CROATIA HASK,SUKER ACADEMY,SALZBURG and after in all category football school
soccer academy nk ZAGREB*U14(2000),U16(2002),U18(2004).
One year played III Croatia league in club Udarnik.
He game play is based on a creative use space and
very fast and a good oriented on the ground.
He plays on a few position on a ground
/left midfilder/forward midfilder/
but he plays the best on forward position.
He is young player without any contract and very ambitions.
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Soccer player*Vedran Martinovic*Croatia League football
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