BLOWS profile picture


About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Beauty in the trees

Blows is a new band, create by Laurent Sterckx, Alain Vandenberghe and some experiments from X-ray. We try to get simple, aerial, mix of feelings and moods. Our quest is to give emotions not curses, to play not to glittering. New songs will be release soon, and we hope to get on tour soon. So see you then, on the road!!!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 24/10/2007
Band Members:
Sterckx Laurent ,Acoustic guitar,backing vocals.
Vandenberghe Alain, Acoustic guitar, bass, Lead vocals.
Schoorman Chris, Electric guitar, all kind of experiments.
Lunapic Photo Editing
Sounds Like:

Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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