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About Me

My Name is Trampus King. I am the new Assitant C.E.O of A&R and Licencing for Vision Metal Records. Vison Metal is a Major Indipendant Record Lable with worldwide distribution via Universal Records.I have worked in the music business going on 20 odd years now. I have played and Toured with some of the worlds greatest bands and artist. Music is my life, weather on stage, in the studio, or the office. Music is what I do.Before comming over to VMR, I was running my own indi lable, River Ratt Records, as well as my management company Loud Management. I also play in the worlds largest band, Stoned Age. I am a member of S.A.G. The Short Arm Gang Motorcycle Club, as well as a founding memer of F.B.4.L.I love to have a good time, listen to great music and help others in what ever means nessary. I try in some way to touch someones life every day good or bad to make them think "outside the box" so to speak. I love family, and freinds. Withought the support of all these people I would not be where I am at the current moment. I have truley been blessed over the years, and to this I thank all of you.I would also like to say thanks to all the Stoned Age, Black Dragon, Blindcyde and PowerTrip fans that have let me and our music into their lives over the years. To this I owe everything.>z

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Dad Again in the next Life, Bob Seger, John Mcvheee of Fleetwood Mack, and all the brothers and sisters that have past .. me. Especially The Big Man Up Stairs so that I can thank him for all the blessings.Used To Be (Demo Version)
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