"The Democrats are not beholden to big business or the unions or chained to any extreme ideology or religion. We are a party that makes judgments based on what is fair and just and moral. We are the only party that simply fights for what is right."
My 6 main issues
Human Rights - Over the 11 years of the Howard government we have seen some of our most basic human rights thrown out the window in the name of national security. It is appalling to think that a government in the 21st century can detain a citizen without a trial and overturn court rulings as it sees fit.
Mental Health - Australia is facing a Mental Health crisis, and while the Howard government has recently spent money in the area, this is just a start and more needs to be done, not only at a funding level but at an infrastructure and educational level. 1 in 5 people suffer from a mental illness, yet our health funding does not accommodate for that high ratio. Preventative measures need to be brought into the system as well. Youth suicide needs to be seriously addressed.
Accountability - The last 2 and a half years have been testament to what happens when a government is left unchecked in the Senate. Without the Democrats holding the balance of power, the Howard government was able to pass extreme anti-terror legislation, VSU, Cross-Media laws and WorkChoices. The Democrats have a proven record of being a sensible, moderate force in the balance of power position.
Climate Change - This is THE greatest issue humanity faces in the 21st century, and neither of the major parties seems willing to really tackle it. The Australian Democrats are the original environment Party, calling the issue into the fore back when it was still very uncool.
Poverty - Howard says that Australians 'have never been better off'. Well, he couldn't be further from the truth. While the middle-upper classes may on the whole be flourishing under a strong economy, there is a growing group of workers living below the poverty line. People are working harder, longer hours and for less.
Higher Education - The Howard government has paid lip service to Universities and TAFEs since it took office, slashing funding across the board. Now, most universities rely on full-fee paying students from other countries, and students battle to make ends meet as their HECS debt continues to soar. The Democrats say that Australia needs to offer more HECS places by scraping national full-fee places and increase funding to universities and other tertiary institutes.
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