~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ profile picture

~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~

About Me

I'm quirky, I'm dork, and sometimes I can be a bit complicated.. I live in Fun Junction with my future husband, my son and his little girl.. Life has been a trial everyday up until the day I met Teague.. from then on out it's been nothing but smooth sailing.. I never truely believed in soul mates until I was LUCKY enough to find him... now I don't know how I ever got through the day without him in my life.. He is my reason for breathing.. He's amazing.. in every aspect... perfection, atleast for me lol. I have the best friends a girl could ask for, sometimes "girls just wanna have fun" lol so thank god Teague can handle me a little snockered on occassion... but to anyone who knows me they are probably in complete awe that anyone could EVER settle me down.. always been a bit of a wild child, and a hellion... but I guess all it takes is for one person to sweep you off your feet for you to straighten up your act.. I'm loving, and caring... probably the nicest person you'll ever meet if you don't give me a reason to dislike you.. I don't judge, you are who you are, you do what you do, all I can do is love you for who you are, and not expect you to be who you aren't... I cherish my friendships.. It's like having a lust for variety, I like to surround myself with different types of people from different walks of life.. and if you are a close friend of mine I'd give you the shirt off my back........ well.... you get the picture lol. I'm just loving life.Layout made by chipmonk88

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Caring, REAL people, Friends... no i'm not looking for someone, I already have all I could ever want!!!!!










MyHotCommentsMy son, he's the only reason I get up every day... and the only reason for taking my next breath every minute... He's my everything. I love the innocence of a kid... it's very refreshing, and makes me wish I could go back to being so pleasantly nieve about everything that this world throws at you.. heartache and all.My Grandma Jenice, for all the hardships she went through in her life, and how great of a mother she was.. I see how much her love affected my uncles, and my mom... as well as everyone who had the HONOR! to meet her in their life. She was truely an angel here on earth.. Rest in peace.. I love and miss you...My mom, because no matter what our living situations were, or how hard my other side of the family tried to buy us, she was always the perfect mom.. she put up with my rebelious ass all through highschool. For working two or more jobs when we were young, just to make sure we had everything we ever needed... and going without the things she needed, just to give us the things that we wanted.. I love you mom, you will always be one of my heros.My Brother Jess... yes... Jesse... for being the driven person he is... He busts he ass everyday working to give his wife and kids the things that they need. And he kills himself going to college at the same time to better himself, and his familys future.. we may not always see eye to eye or get along, but he is always looking out for little sis... and trying to push me in the right direction, to make me excell and do better in my life... because he believes in me.My DAD Rick.. for being the one who actually stepped into our lives and made a difference.. The one that wanted to be our "dad" instead of just a by stander that was there just to be with our mom. It takes nothing but SPERM to become a father................ But it takes a real man to step into a situation and be a DAD reguardless of blood.

My Blog

This fucked up thing we call life

so i'm up.. it's almost 3.. i can't sleep... today has to be one of the worst days of my life.. Charles... my ex of 7 years... and the father of my son... got in a car wreck... He died at 2 this morni...
Posted by ~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:47:00 PST


isn't it funny... I've searched my whole life for that one person that made me feel complete... I've dealt with abuse, physical... mental..... EVERY KIND i've been beaten down emotionally... been to t...
Posted by ~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:42:00 PST

umm... weird shit about me...

..>   Tag You're It! Tag You're It!  "Each player of this game starts with the "7 weird things about you". People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 7 weird things. In the...
Posted by ~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 06:13:00 PST

Just an illusion?

Happiness is just an illusion. As well as love.. Something we want so desperately to believe in. That we blind ourself to the realities of this harsh world.. and chose to distant ourselves from the tr...
Posted by ~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:53:00 PST

False Devotion

False Devotion I don't know where to start, so you can comprehend.How can I let go, how can I let you in?I thought I was in love, but was it only lust?How can I make you understand, it's me that I do...
Posted by ~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 01:08:00 PST

In Memory

Jenice Ann Flowers/Hines March 21, 1940- February 21, 2006 ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS! A part of me died, the day you got your wings,We went through your room, and sorted through your things.I know that yo...
Posted by ~*~Beautiful Disaster~*~ on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 12:13:00 PST