jeNnA...tHingS cHangE foR the BetTer profile picture

jeNnA...tHingS cHangE foR the BetTer

he iS MiNe aGAiN fOreVer 333

About Me

I am 19 currently working full time as a Pharmacy Technician at Walgreens, and I absolutely love my job! I am currently staying with my parents until me and my baby move into my new apartment on July 1st! This is all such a dream come true...he was mine in the beginning and is now mine again. I ABSOLUTELY do not care what anyone things about this, we are in love and nothing is gonna fuck that ONE! Anyways...give me a ring ring and you can stop over and do the usual...haha.
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We don't know how and we don't know when...but soon we all will meet again! Gone but NEVER forgotten. RiP


Con Air, Hope Floats, The Forgotten, Hostage

My Blog

...evEryThiNg i have five days of school left...last day friday (obviously). Then i start working full time at my daycare makin hella money! so ExCited but i have ALOT of shit to do until then. ....i turn 18...
Posted by jeNnA...tHingS cHangE foR the BetTer on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 07:06:00 PST