Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace BackgroundsMy favorite color is red, I like to volunteer in the janitorial division of $1.50/Discount theaters/cinemas of the tri-state area in my very spare time. I enjoy good coversation during traffic, long walks on the beach in the rain and I am currently seeking Love, Romance, Friendship, Marriage, fiscal responsibility, 9.5 children (=) 6.5 Fathers (large man boobs a plus), Equal Opportunity Housing secured by plastic pastel picket pences, airbrushed mailboxes with matching mylar inflatable flags, and a petting zoo.Also, I am a huge fan of Gas Cost Inflation and hope (fingers crossed) that the price will grow at a 70-80% rate per day. No Exceptions.OK... IF YOU ARE to THIS POINT and HAVE NOT figured out that the above statements are absolute fucking bullshit... PLEASE DON'T WASTE BANDWIDTH TO REQUEST AN ADD.OK, OK... I AM FUCKING WITH YOU. My favorite color IS RED.ALSO NEW FRIEND REQUESTS: Do I Know You? Do You Know Me? Do we even share ANY COMMON INTERESTS? Always use your best manners, please.HELP WAGE THE WAR AGAINST BULLETIN-AREXIA.DROP A QUICK LINE IN MESSAGE FORM BEFORE REQUESTING AN ADD.IF NOT... EXPECT TO BE DENIED.