~GmOmMa~ profile picture


~oNly pErSoN Im PlEaSiNg iS mYSeLf~

About Me

~ hEY iM gLoRia & iM 20yRs oLd aND jUsT eNjOyinG lIFe. im wOrKiNg tOwArDs mY aSsoCiAtEs dEgRee iN busInESs mGmT & i hOpE 2 b tHe hEaD AdmInIsTrAtoR oF A cOrPoRaTiOn oNE day.iM aLsO A lIcEnSeD beaUtician sO i dO thAt oN tHe sIde. i LuV mAkINg peoPLE feeL beaUtiFul aNd sHoWiNg tHeM THe bEaUty WiThiN. iM a mAkE uP aRtiSt aS weLl, sO YeAh U cAn SAy i dO a lIl oF eVerYtHiNg. i hOpE 2 oWn mY oWn SPa oNe Day, & i kNOW i wiLL. i hAvE THe mEnTaLiTy 2 aLwAyS AspIrE 2 b sUmoNe iN liFe, mAkE sUmThIng of uRsElF, aNd mAke A dIfFerEnCe In A pErSoN'S lIFE 4 tHe bEtTer. lIfE iS 2 shOrT So u hAvE 2 lIvE it uP @ tHe fUlLeSt. fAmIlY iS a bIg pArT oF mY lIfE. iDuNno wHeRe iD b wiThoU Them. mY mOmS meanS eVeRythiNg 2 mE aNd i luV hER w/ aN InfInAtE lUv tHaT nUtTIN oR nO oNe cAn tAkE aWay. aLWYs bElIeVe iN uSElF & nEvER dOubT uR pOtENtIaL.tHE wOrSt fEelInG oNe cAn pOssEs iS fAiluRe. u mUSt fOlLoW & bElIeVE iN Ur iNsTiNcT. lIFE Is 2 pRecIOuS 2 lIvE w/ rEgRetS. tHe pAsT iS gOnE & tHe fUtuRe iS nOt gUaRaNtEeD, sO livE lIfE nOW w/ nO remOrSefUl rEgRetS @ aLL~ love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ok i feel that i have fulfilled myself in almost every aspect of life.. except 4 da love department. Im sick and tired of coming across guys that feel that all they gota do is call u mami, sweety, gorgeous and they can win u ova...UUUMMM no dat sh*t does not go down wit me AT ALL ... I have a mind, a personality and a character and 4 some guys dats 2 much to handle for them ... wats so hard about just simply coming real to a girl when ur feeling her .. we dont need to hear no nonsense like " yo ma wats good? can i holla at u? " WAT DA F*K IS DAT ALL ABOUT! u need 2 come correct when u speak to me.... so dats who i wanna meet, the guy who knows how to treat a woman and respects her for who and wat she is all about, not just for how big her ass is, just be a real person & not about ur image. I wanna get 2 know u 4 who u are, not 4 who people set u out 2 b, and w/ dat said hear is a lil sumthing from sum1 very close 2 my heart dat broke it down 4 me and truely knew how 2 capture reality, luv ya hunny =)"Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top thinksomething is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the to of the tree."


Guess Who, Are We There Yet?, White Chicks, Taxi, ... basically anything thats funny I really aint into all dat horror sh*t . Just aint 4 me


"Man Search For Meaning" ( great book on the tragic episode that innocent people were put through in concentration camps), "Coldest Winter Ever" ( shows how u can be on top one day and at da bottom the next so learn to value things b4 its 2 late)

My Blog

I tHoUgHt tHiNgS WoUlD bE DiFfErEnT......

Never did I imagine that things would turn out the way they did.. liek one day 2 the next everything just crumbled and dissolved like a powder in water.... @ 1st I was hesitant about showing my true f...
Posted by ~*nYsFinesT MaMi*~ on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 07:40:00 PST