Love. Cooking. Thinking for thinking's sake. Games, as long as they aren't mind games. Honesty. Subtlety.
Dorothy Love Coates!!! Are you kidding me!!! Just try to tell me this is not the most amazing music ever!!!
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You should probably be able to guess.
Star Wars. Withnail & I. Rosenkrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. Evil Dead. The Magic Christian. Sergio Leone epics.
Not so much. I don't like the commercials.
Catch-22. Orwell. Dostoevsky. Huxley. Wodehouse. Martin Amis. Tolkien. George R.R. Martin. Douglas Adams. Italo Calvino. Anything on history, politics or culture. The Dungeon Master's Guide.
Bill Hicks. Coatsie. Shawn Ryder.