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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am currently living in Dillonvale Ohio with my boyfriend Kevin and our beautiful 7 year old daughter Cadyia Alexis. I am back to school at JCC to become a nurse, and plan to go to Trinity school of nursing for my RN. I have an extremely busy schedule trying to juggle working full time in a nursing home in the dietary depatrment, school work and family. I rarely have time for myself, but when I do I like going out with friends and cutting loose. I am pretty much a home body though! I am in dire need of a vacation! I love shoes and purses and fashion! I love to shop! I love to tan and get my nails done, I love pedicures and am greatful for having cute feet. I love anything pink, hello kitty and tinkerbell anything girlie.I love purses(mostly Coach and Dooney's) and shoes. My daughter is the most beautiful girl in the world, and she means everything to me. You never imagine you could ever love somebody so much, until you have a child of your own. She helped me decorate my profile. She is the coolest girl I know! She is growing up so fast right before my eyes, she is more of a little lady day by day. She attends catholic school because I believe in a good education, and they can answer any questions on GOD that she may have( since I'm not the most religious person). She also takes dance and is enrolled in Acro, Jazz and cheering(her dance teacher is her soon to be aunt and my soon to be sister in law, since my brother finally proposed). I am the oldest sibling and only have one little brother named Dave. I don't get to see him and spend as much time with him as I would like but I Love him nonetheless. I believe strongly in morals and manners and am trying my best to instill them into my daughter.I have 3 dogs (and one very chubby pug, which my parents adopted from me, so that my other dogs would not eat him, his name is Otis). My other dogs are 2 American Bulldogs( a female named Sara and a male named D.O.G) I also have a Neapolitan mastiff named Falcor. I have 3 cats as well. I love animals as you can see! I am an extremely fun individual and enjoy laughing, there aren't too many things that I don't find ammusing. I guess you can say I am a little weird(I call it unique), but so are my friends and we have the best times together. Iam a very down to earth person and am very sweet when I want to be. If you do not give me a reason to hate you odds are I probably won't(but if you get on my bad side watch out because I have also been known to be a complete BITCH at times).. bWVudHMuY29tL2dyYXBoaWNzLzMwMjk5

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Personality Type Quiz
My Result: Funny/Clown Personality Type

You relate to people with laughter. When you make friends, you crack a joke, if you’re feeling insecure, you make fun of yourself before anyone else does, and when your date is laughing non-stop, you feel like you’ve made a good impression. You like having an audience. Humor is your greatest and most prominent gift.
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My Interests

My interests include, watching movies, hanging with my daughter and my friends.Partying when I can. I love to shop!

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I'd like to meet:

People who aren't fake!!! Real true friends!!!

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I pretty much like all music, but I love Mariah Carey, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. I really love to listen to old music 80's and 90's

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My favorite movie has to be the notebook, it is a classic love story, and is so sad! I pop it in the DVD player when I am feeling depressed. I also love a good comedy, I think Dirty love with Jenny McCarthy is my fav. comedy along with Scary Movie 2. Anything with Johnny Depp in it. Comedy's, scary movies, love stories and chick flick's. Lifetime movies

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I love reality TV and watch it whenever I can. I love American Idol, and can't miss it! The Hills, America's next top model, seinfeld, friends, sex in the city, desprate housewives, VH1, E!, MTV. Lifetime. The Golden Girls, The days of our lives.

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I don't read much except if it is a gossip mag. The only books I really have time for are school books, but Danielle Steel if I get a chance

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My mom and dad, for being the best parents and rolemodels ever! My grandma, she is so sweet!

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My Blog

Jason as a polygamist(how f***ing funny!!! p>...
Posted by Melissa on Thu, 08 May 2008 05:29:00 PST