Most things which stimulate the body, soul and mind. Music, Film, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sports (Basketball, Swimming, Running), the Great Outdoors, Hiking, Camping, Travelling (especially to cool locations)
My Blog
SXSW 2007
Another year, another hectic and fun time at SXSW. Saw some old "who have made it" bands, some new favorite bands as they showcased to make their ascent to making it, and some new bands to add to my ... Posted by Risty on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 11:20:00 PST
SXSW 2006
Another great time at SXSW. As like in previous years, saw new and familiar bands, some great, some good, others not so good. Some of the new artists were added to my "I have to look more into" list... Posted by Risty on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 10:56:00 PST