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SanzO SaM

I am here for Dating and Serious Relationships

About Me

I'm a monk, but do not surface as one. People think I'm a ruffian, because I'm a monk who smoke, drink, gamble..and even carry a gun. The west is where I proceed, to Tougenkyo, with 3 other clowns who are my party members. From town to town I travel on Hakuryu, listening to petty squabbles from Goku and Gojyo along the way, giving me a reason to fire a bullet that is about to rust in my gun chamber. The only peaceful one is Hakkai, but he does nothing better than to smile and stand aside watching the drama. I always carry with me a small fan, one which I don't use to fan myself when I'm hot. Rather I use it to smack the head of some monkey who keeps complaining he is hungry all the time. Each and every town we brave the dangers of meeting some pathetic 'youkai'. These demons prey on us, but they do not realise they are the prey instead. I could fare better off myself facing youkai though, alongside my party members somehow hinders me at times. But all in all we have done our part, going through thick and thin together. Demons are like barbarians, not knowing who they face before engaging us. However there is a particular group of demons who fight with honour, and I respect them more than any other uncivilised twigs. Unfortunately, they have to be my enemy, because my quest happen to contradict theirs. Gyumao, I'm looking forward to meet you, to send you back to rest in place, that be assured. Your son, Kougaiji, will be in good hands..with me, do not worry. This is my mission I have accepted, I cannot go back on my words. The revival of Gyumao, will bring devastation upon the world. Although I personally do not mind, because it is none of my business, the Heavens refuse to allow that. Till now, I have one burden to bear, and I still do not understand why does it have to be me, of all people. That is protecting the Heaven and Earth sutra. I see no rubbish reason in doing so. I thought I could use it to polish my beloved gun clean and shiny, if it is not for the orders given by the Heavens. Well, orders are orders, and defying it will result in heavy consequences. I suddenly recall, there was this point of time, I encountered a fighting god, a powerful one named Homura Taishin. His plans to create a new world is way too ridiculous, but he has a way to it. Homura has his reasons for doing so, but sadly, we have to foil it in the end. This is inevitable. And so my journey continues, severely delayed due to Homura's interruption. We fought more ill-resistant youkai after we resumed. These demons certainly do not give us any challenge, wasting time and breath to even speak to them. Of course, there are some demons who appear to be more formidable, but to really eliminate the 4 of us, it is too unrealistic. Some so-called 'intelligent' demons tend to question us, why do we, who are demons ourselves, side with humans to fight our own kind? It is true..that in my party of 4, I'm the only one who is not a demon. But whoever told them that we are on the human's side? We neither side demons nor humans, not even the heavens. I will now make it clear to all for the benefit of doubt. From the day I was born, till the day I die, I'm on my own damn side!- Genjo Sanzo w/Gojyo, Goku and Hakkai.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dokugakuji, Yaone, Lirin, Kougaiji, Homura and........................Gyumao

My Blog

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