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The Haunted_Studio Under the Stairs...... are Kevin and Liz King:
Kevin king is a true vagrant in the field of art. Kevin King has won numerous awards and scholarships for his art before attending the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 1984 where after graduation, was released to roam at his muse's whims.
He has made his camp over the years cartooning and illustration for the late Scripps-Howard endeavor, The Sun Tattler, Humor Magazines, Gallery painting and he currently wears a size 36 pleated Dockers.
© Kevin King 2007 Artist retains all copyrights
Liz King Kevin's side kick/wife and I make dolls all hand sewn with my own pattern and design. I also enjoy collage makeing, scrapbooking, doll alteration and assemblage.We both love Halloween and all things creepy!!! Art Sold by Kevin King ..
Sold Work By Liz King
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