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About Me

(FIRST OF ALL IM A PROMOTER FOLKS SO I DO SEND OUT UPDATES AND BULLETINS ON WHERE I AM DOING MY SPOTS. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND)---Whats up everybody.Welcome to Myspace or Myfrozen(screen stays freezin up)space as i like to call it lol.Im part of the FAMELIST team and we are looking to meet cool people that want to come by our parties and have a great time in some of NY'S sexiest clubs. Also please check our site for special promotions and holiday events. Hit me with a note if you have any questions and hope to see you at one of our parties soon.Rememer its not what you do but how you do it in life. Hey Everyone!! My name isSimone and im a part of the FAMELIST team and we arelooking to meet cool people that want to come party andhave a great time in some of NY'S sexiest clubs.We haveour guestlists at PROVIDENCE NYC, THE MONUMENTO LOUNGE INTHE LOWER LEVEL on FRIDAYS and we have SATURDAYS atGUESTHOUSE. Also, check out our site if you want even moreinfo. .. For special promotions and holidayevents just hit me with a comment or a message if you haveany questions. Also, remember my AIM, cinnamone17 if youhave any more inquiries. I, and the FAMELIST team hope tosee you and your friends at one of our parties soon.Remember, its not what you do...but how you do it. Maketonight one to remember.Your girl, Simone.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sexy, cool people who want to party with the best.FAMELIST BABY!

My Blog

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