Tabula Smaragdina profile picture

Tabula Smaragdina

About Me

BiographyIt all started back in 1998 when Krivánik Dániel (keyboards) and Bogáti-Bokor Ákos (guitars) met in a philosophy campus, sharing ideas and finding out that musically they have so much in common. After some years of friendship they decided to get a band together to jam, to play progressive rock. With Zsigó László (drums) and Turi Tamás (bass) the line-up of Amethyst was completed in 2002.
L-R: Krivánik Dániel, Zsigó László, Bogáti-B. Ákos, Turi Tamás And so the band was born. For two years we spent some serious time to "get the groove", while playin' some fine progressive music, our favourites, like: Yes, Genesis, Dream Theater, Platypus, Liquid Tension Experiment, Bill Bruford and The Flower Kings.
Amethyst live at AZFESZT 2004After a little while we started to write our own songs. In 2004 we had a very serious live activity, we played on many festivals, we won a competition on the famous Félsziget Fesztivál 2004 in Romania. That Summer we wrote a lot of songs. After 3 years of silence (Ákos's activity with Yesterdays was more intense, they released an album at Musea Records , Dániel and László started a band called Mortem - active since today and Tamás played in several bands and projects) Dániel and Ákos decided to record the first Amethyst album. With 3 new songs the tracklist was ready and the recordings were started in Cluj Napoca (Romania) at Alias Music Studio with Bazsó Tibor sound-engineer.Sadly - due to his health problems (if you know Hungarian, you can read all about it in his blog) - Tamás had to renounce to his role in the band. This doesn't effect our friendship, we understand him and just hope that we'll have the chance to jam together in the future! Tamás, we are sure that we'll celebrate this first release as a COMMON success with You!So, after these hard decisions and sad news Amethyst became a trio, leaving Ákos to record all the bass parts. This line-up will complete the recording sessions, although our good friend and (in our heart) our forever band-mate Tamás recorded one song to the album. We found out that Musea Records already has a band called Amethyst, so the first album will be released under the name of Tabula Smaragdina
"And then they were three...": Krivánik Dániel, Zsigó László and Bogáti-B. Ákos With the help of Makkai István (saxophone) and some vocals from Antal Karola the album is now ready!After finishing the album Tabula Smaragdina will participate on the new Colossus Project called "Purgatorio - A Progressive Rock Epic", based on the second cantica of the Italian Epic Poem "The Divine Comedy". PURGATORIO will be released by Musea somewhere in 2009. We will write a song inspired by Canto XXIV. "Under the Magic Tree".For more information on this project please visit the Colossus Magazine's website. Some photos from the drum-recording sessions:

My Interests


Member Since: 10/23/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Bogáti-Bokor Ákos - vocals, guitars, bass, keys

Krivánik Dániel - keys

Zsigó László - drums

(c) Tabula Smaragdina 2008
Influences: Yes, U.K., Bill Bruford, Platypus, The Flower Kings, King's X
Sounds Like: Modern progressive rock with the analog sound of the seventies.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Live at the MiniProg2 Festival 2009

"It was wonderful, magical... a true dream-come-true... two Musea bands playing together in a festival, the second edition of the MiniProg Fest. The opening act was presented by Tabula Smaragdina, ...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 08:59:00 GMT

Mixing Purgatorio

Dear Friends,we finished all the vocal recordings today with Antal Karola! Tomorrow we'll be mixing the track!!!Check it out here:
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 15:25:00 GMT

Karola in the studio

Yes, tomorrow will be the BIG day when Antal Karola will sing lead vocals to our Purgatorio track! WOW! :) Keep your fingers crossed...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 01:10:00 GMT

Purgatorio crosses finish line!

Dear Friends,with a little help from our beloved background singer Antal Karola we will record our Purgatorio song's vocals on Sunday! This time Karola will sing the lead vocals and I will do all the ...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:43:00 GMT

Musea contract! :)

Hi there Friends!I am so glad, Tabula Smaragdina just got a contract from Musea Records, our first TS album will be our soon!!! The title fo the album is "A szavakon túl" (Beyond Words) and it is a sy...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:26:00 GMT

"Beyond Words" album is ready!

Hi there Friends!We have some very good news: THE ALBUM IS READY! It's title is: "A szavakon túl" (Beyond Words)Right now we started to negotiate with a record company and hopefully the album will be ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 05:48:00 GMT

Tabula Smaragdina in Paradise

Hi there!Tabuyla Smaragdina will be part of the latest Colossus/Musea project too, we'll compose a track to the Dante's Paradiso CD. We are almost ready with our Purgatorio track too... :)TABULA SMARA...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 00:02:00 GMT

Under The Magic Tree

Dear Friends!Tabula Smaragdina has just recorded its track for Purgatorio. Here you can see a short "Making of" video :)
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 23:16:00 GMT

Backing vocals

Dear Friends,today we did all the background vocal recordings with Antal Karola. We are so proud of her... the results are fantastic! Only a few more mixing sessions and the album is READY!!!!!!!!!Ant...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 06:53:00 GMT

Last steps

Dear Friends,it's been a while since our last blog post. A lot has happen, I wrote all the lyrics, sang all the lead vocals and some background vocals too. We did some mixes and the album is now almos...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 03:18:00 GMT