About 3J Production & Recording:
We specialise in Recording/Discography; Audio and Video Music Production; and Publishing. We are based in the centre of the Mediterranean, so creating a virtual point of connection with the rest of the world. 3J’s headquarters are situated in Cagliari, the capital city of our magnificent island of Sardinia. This is a land noted for its centuries old tradition of music, and which can claim the highest number of anthropological studies to-date on the language; the longevity of its inhabitants; but especially on the music – irrespective of form or means of expression.
Such an inborn passion for music which is so deeply ingrained in the DNA of our founder and Director, Gianfranco Piga, a remarkably sensitive artist who himself has a long history - both present and past - as a songwriter and guitarist, combined with a carefully selected and highly capable staff make 3J one of the most lucrative and efficient businesses out there today.
There are numerous current projects underway both in the field of music and in publishing. From the various stages of recording, production, and final distribution at international level to the bookings; artists under contract with 3J can boast, amongst other things, excellent contacts and connections, and collaboration with some of the best musicians in circulation.