~*~* Top 10 *~*~
---10 Firsts---
First Best Friend::: Shonte smith and amy mcanally
First Screenname::: qticourteney
First Pet Name::: king
First Piercing::: my ear
First Crush::: ummm this guy named greg??????
First CD::: probably whitney houston or mary j
First School::: first baptist(yeah everybody went there...)
First House Location::: 2508 Skyline Circle
First Kiss::: ummm...i dunno i was a fast lil 7 year old
First Car::: 2003 impala(her name is bertha)
---9 Lasts---
Last Time You Smoked::: well....i dont smoke but they made me do it this weekend(it was gigis birthday weekend)
Last Food You Ate::: o'charley
Last Car Ride::: just now...
Last Movie You Watched::: the wiz with phil
Last Phone Call::: tamara, candes, and miko(we were all on three-way)
Last CD You Listened To::: umm a mixed cd(tamara made it for me)
Last Bubble Bath You Took::: last night(it was supa hot)
Last Song You Listened To::: ummm lil wayne screwed...i was gettin some
Last Words You Said::: dude...ummmm...i dunno
---8 Have-You-Evers---
Dated A Best Friend::: ummm...no
Been Arrested::: ummm....no(them girls in jail are too big...im scared)
Been On TV::: ummm...well you know they do say i look like haley berry..lol
Eaten Sushi::: no...but i probably will sooner or later
Cheated On Your B/F or G/F::: yeah like in middle school
Been On A Blind Date::: ummm...no(cant do it)
Been Out Of The Country::: yeah...jamaica...
Been In Love::: yeah once(we are still cool and he has an awesome girlfriend...i wish them the best)
---7 Things You Are Wearing---
1::: new york and company sandals
2::: z cavaricci capris
3::: tank top(with built in bra)
4::: ummm some aeropostale panties that say dont tick me off on the back!!!
5::: long beaded neckalace
6::: bracelet
7::: and ummm a head band
---6 Things You've Done Today---
1::: got on facebook
2::: got on myspace
3::: went to phil's
4::: got our eyes pierced
5::: ate o'charley
6::: talked to tamara, miko, and candes
---5 Favorite Things (not in any order)---
1::: chillin with my girls
2::: getting on the computer
3::: talk ingon the phone
4::: ummm yeah
5::: watch law and order
---4 People You Most Trust---
1::: tamara
2::: miko
3::: bertha(My car)
4::: my alcoholic brother
---3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die---
1::: finish this survey
2::: turn my computer off
3::: go to sleep
---2 Choices---
Vanilla or Chocolate::: chocolate(but not too much)
Hugs or Kisses::: hugs than kisses(i gotta look at the teeth and smell the breath first.)
--1 Person You Want To See Right Now---
1::: ummm.. drew(so i can slap his ass)
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Any kind...from country to rock to rap.....anything i dont really care
I like weird movies like....the Gunnies...Sandlot...and Stand by me....
I love Law and Order
any zane books
mary j blidge
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