Vicious Ass Spankings.
Drawing Dicks.
My name is Alvaro Gil. I will attend some gay school in gainesville. I got a couple friends that deliciously pwn noobs. If the occasion calls for it, then I'll enjoy taking a dump outside with my friends. I'm pretty much the worst skater ever. I speak Spanish and some Italian. My friends say I'm greedy even though I've bought them just as much food as they have bought me, and I've taken them more places then they have me. That's about 5 seconds into my life.Noob of the Gods
Hardcore, Bone-Crunching, Mayhem, Psychadelic, Sex-Funk From Heaven.
Action Movies, and Funny Movies.
Family Guy, Futurama, Tom & Jerry, Looney Toons, and The Simpsons.
Scar Tissue, The Mutt, Ender's Game, and Speaker for the Dead.
Cecil, a God among the mentally challenged.