, movies, games, food, girls, ARMY, computers, markers, drums, school, guns, butts, girls, ARMY, cellphones, paintball, music, guitar, shoes, nakedness, staplers, lips, girls, ARMY, books, cool aid, browness, graduation, 18, trees, glass, money, checks, eyes, girls, ARMY, frosted flakes, jelly... ky ? hahahahaha, superglue ? ahahahahaha yah super glue ;), past, art, glass, ummm bored again
More scouts would be nice hehe not like i dont know any around here haha how bout some female scouts heh ?? yah i would luv that !! psh in my dreams !! im single :D always looking ummm yah ...ill let you take that info and do what you wish with it :D
Rock ....R.....O.....C.....K I know if i start naming off bands ill forget so many so shut up im not guna name a bunch of bands, just take my word for it that i will listen to and luv any rock you throw at me ;)
ARMY MOVIES !!! WOOT WOOT!! BHD, We Were Soldiers, Full MEtal Jacket...and like any other war movie lol...doesnt neccasarily have to be ARMY ! Also other exciting very ummm sparatical so plug something in and ill watch it and hopefully luv it or you mite die in the next couple of days...haha im jus kidding but seriously pick a good movie :D
dont care
dont care