************Sk8boarding, ********Music,******** painting, ****running (from you) ********, getting tattoos********, laughing,*********** being kewl, lol********** and anything fun that8******* comes to mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooo ************hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo **********oh yeh and looking for waldo too!!! ***********hahaa cause waldo RULESSS!~ and hes effing hardcoRE!! cause im hardcore!! are u??????????????????????????????????????????????????????"""""
a kewl cat!! and lots of kewl peoples? lol yeh awsummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
mmmmmmmmmm and bert agaain!!!!
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2coolphoto / Layouts , Frazy.com
umm i like tV!! yeh like i like to watch all kinds all of randum stufF!! yeh!!! i like goosebumps!! and yeh!! AWSUM AWSUM!!
hm,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm reading is for nerds!! hey does that make me a nerd because i like to read! WAIT!.................. i love to R33D!!!! yeh!
you are!!!! WALDO is number one................... hero!! yeh! and like my kat is my hero! and my crayons are my heros and like i think that i have plenty of randum heros!! hells yeh! lol