My Wife,My Son,My Red Sox And Bowling Yes Bowling and Softball (any sport that out of shape fat guys can do well)
YAZ, Paul McCartney, Mick Foley, V-Tek, Any and all Red Sox Players,Iron Shiek(maybe), Ric Flair( WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) , Gonzaga (the UFC Giant Killer), C.Ronaldo object width="425" height="350"
I love LOVE the Beatles, Pink Flyod, Any Portuguese music,The Killers, Some Kinda Hate,Converge, BeeGees, and anything Old and of course THE AQUABATS!!!
This is Spinal Tap, Any Kevin Smith has Directed, Clockwork Orange, Old School, Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Monday night Raw,Flip this House, The Soup, CSI,CRossing Jordan, The Real Deal, Ultimate Fighter, Any thing UFC
Have A Nice Day a tale of blood and sweatsocks, Foley is Good, The Hardcore Daires, Tietam Brown all books I have or am readind at this time(and Yes I can Read) and there all books writen my my Fav Wrestler Mick Foley!!!!
Mick Foley, My Brothers, My Wife, My Parents and the 2004 Boston Red Sox(Thanks Guys)!!!