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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

What can i say about m3 ha?? Well There is not much to say about myself. But I guess I have to tell you a little about myself,. So I will do my best here. I love to just sit and talk about odinary life, if you can talk about life with me you will have me hanging out with you all day . I do have to tell you that I have changed a lot in but I have to say I have changed for the better. Some people don't like it but I am happier this way. I have had many heart acts in my life, but I have tryed to learn for them as they come. Life is hard and you have to make the best of it each and every day.... I CAN B3 SHY AT TIM3S BUT IF U G3T M3 TO LOS3N UP I CAN B3 A REALLY GOOD TIME! I LOV3 HANGING OUT WITH FRI3NDS AND M33TING N3W P3OPL3...N3W FRI3NDS AR3 TH3 B3ST. IT’S 3XCITING..! I B3LI3V3 THAT FAMILY AND FRI3NDS AR3 3XTR3M3LY IMPORTANT AND I WOULDN'T CHANG3 MIN3 IN FOR ANYTHING. I'M A PR3TTY OP3N MIND3D P3RSON. I'M NOT QUICK TO JUDG3 AND I LOV3 TO DO RANDOM THINGS. I N3V3R F33L STUPID ABOUT ANYTHING I DO 3V3N IF I MAK3 AN ASS OF MYS3LF. I LOV3 HAVING FUN I'M ALWAYS SMILING 3V3N IF TH3R3 IS NOTHING TO R3ALLY SMIL3 ABOUT, BUT NOT IN TH3 WAY THAT I'M A DUMB GIRL...I JUST SMIL3 A LOT..! I LIK3 TO PARTY. I'M CONT3NT JUST SITTING AND TALKING OR JUST SITTING, WHAT3V3R..! IT DO3SN'T TAK3 MUCH TO 3NT3RTAIN M3. I MAK3 THE B3ST OUT OF 3V3RY SITUATION. I FIGUR3 THAT IF W3 W3R3 GIV3N THIS LIF3 W3 MIGHT AS W3LL MAK3 TH3 B3ST OUT OF IT 3V3N IF AT TIM3S IT SUCKS. . I'LL FIGUR3 IT ALL OUT I JUST N33D TIM3...

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