R.I.P. TuPAC~ n0 oNe wiLL eVeR toP hiM! i LuV SpoRtZ (baseball)- i played baseball myself for 10yrz, then coached my TALENTED SiSteR BriaNNa along with a GReaT GRP oF GiRlZ from St. Martha's School for 3yrz. G0 MONARCHZ! yoU kn0w wh0 yoU aRe ;) iM not iN sch00l @ the moment, but caNt wait tO geT bacK iN the sWiNg oF thiNgZ. iM cuRRently wRkiNg f0r AVON as an Independent Sales Rep. S0 iF aNy of yoU ladieZ aRe iNteResteD iN aNy pRoduCtZ oR kNow aNyoNe wh0 iS, theN fEEl fRee t0 let mE kNoW. i eNjoy the compaNy oF fRiendZ and faMily and like being out doin stuFF. One thing i l00k foRwaRd t0 iZ diNNer tiMe with my boyfriend when we get to talk bout thingz inbetween commercialz oF ouR favorite shoWz on the new ktlaCW followed by seinfield and SoutH ParK and FAMILY GUY- all about SteWiE! SpoRtiN my BaBeZ LA hat aNd dA MiCkey SwtShiRt he bought mE @ DiSNeyLaNd!...n leT mE teLL yoU, iM dA SHiT! ;)
MySelf... U wouldNt liKe 2VieW UrSelF fRom uR OwN EyEz?
i LOVE muzik! cant be witout it... caNt get enuff of it! LOVE TO DANCE! ROCK RAP R*B OLDIEZ 80s N SO ON.... WUTEVER CAN gEt mE MoViNg datZ CUPCAKE, my lil mama! ;) l0l
CoMeDy, DraMa, n HoRRoR filmZ...HERE R SUM OF MANY: all DISNEY moviez, SANDLOT!!! {will NvR diE!}, Wut Dreamz May Come, 50 First Datez, FieldZ oF dReaMZ n so maNy otheRz.. haveNt gone much cuz da moviez R EXPENSIVE! aLL bout dA b00t leG BaBy!!! l0l
EveRyBoDy LuVz RaymoNd (RIP Peter Boyle -2006),FRIENDZ, Will n GracE, GiRlFRieNdZ, my ALL TIME FAV FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR! fun watchin it wit my sister, @ midnite on Nik@Nite! dat daNce iZ a ClaSSic- goTTa LuV iT! ...... UNSOLVED MYSTERIEZ, PROfileR, HunteR (cop show) AND KnightRider!!! if u DNT KNO da last 2 dat were mentioned then ur more out of touch wit da world then i am... or ur 2young =) CartooNz- BeN n JeRRy, Sc00by d00 AnD SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTZ!! ;) n yes ESPN! ALL REALITY SHOWZ CAN KISS MY MEXICAN ASS.. u want reality? ur livin it dumbass.. y see other pplz idiot troublez...
iF itZ not SportZ related then itZ got to be GOOD! Ohh n i like readin Chiken Soup Bkz.. ive read CHKNSP 4da KIDS SOUL, PRETEEN SOUL, TEENAGE SOUL. n now im currently reading CHKNSP 4da COUPLE'S SOUL, next iz COLLEGE SOUL...
DisNey.. heh But Most Importantly my FRIENDZ, they've saVed mE moRe tiMeZ, theN thEy mAy eVeR kno~ STARTIN 0FF wit my SiS BRI!!! *ElOiSa * AnGelA * MaRvEl"A" l0l * JeSSiCa * AlVaReZ * i love u guyz!!!! thaNkyoU! AND tO my boyfriend- i thank him for catchin my TeaRz n lendin me hiz sMile =)iLOVEyoU SoMucH!!!maDe by my boyfrieNd with love fRom hiZ motheRz gardeN.. heh ;)