> shAwiE < profile picture

> shAwiE <

Life is too shoRt... so mAke thE mOst ouT of it!

About Me

for nOw, i dOnt waNt to wAstE aNy siNgle timE i hAvE. I WANT to eXpLoRE, tRy nEw thiNGs and ENJOY LIFE tilL YOUNG!!!(",) "sNobbish" is the fiRst impREssion, but.. onCE yOU gEt to kNow mE, you'll see hOw "SIMPLE" i am, "shAllow", "down-to-earth" and vERy EASY to gEt aloNg with! ..i doNt choosE pEopLe.. as much as i cAn, i dONt wANt to offENd or hURt somEonE's feeLings...but, yOU cAN't foRCE mE to bE somEbody to pleASE eVERybOdy, this is mE.."cooL and cRazy" (takE it or leAve it! haha!), no huNg-uPs, no pREteNsioNs... and i wAnna bE myseLf aLways, iNsidE and ouT... coz I WANT YOU to LIKE and LOVE mE MORE for WHAT I AM and for WHO I REALLY AM ...********************************************************* ********
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My Interests

...MUSIC is mY LiFE... i lovE to coOk coz i love to eAt (hehe); "juNkfoods" is mY wEAknEsS; for mE sLEEPING is bEST at dAytimE...coz i love nightlifE, gimmicks, dRiNk.. dRink and driNk! nyAhahaha!

I'd like to meet:

... ANYBODY as long as yOu are a hARd and bEEr dRinker (hehe! joke! but tRue! haha!) and u have a sENse of humOr, siNCERE, God-fEariNg, and with a big hEart...


i likE RnB mellow & RnB hiPhOp (d'bEst!); somE LovE sOngs; tRancE and "housE musiC" .... i hate Rock! it givEs mE a hEadache!


cONstAntiNE; MATRIX tRilogy; LOTR; Harry PottER; SpidERmAN; The PasSioN; fiNaL dEstiNatiON; 2fAst 2fURious; aMittYviLLe; shUttER; missioN impossibLe


HBO mOviEs; jAck tv; niCkeLodion ( i love spoNgebOb!); cArtooN nEtwoRk


books? seems boriNg to mE... mAgaziNes.. yah..somEtimes