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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm 55,a legal senior citizen and consider myself the biggest Lynyrd Skynyrd fan in the Northern Hemisphere. I have two daughters, and a granddaughter. She is as funny as she is cute. I am currently working at Wisconsin Lift Truck,I've been there for 13 years.I drive & sometimes work inshop onforklifts,sweeper/scrubbers,shop equipment.I's the second longest job I've held till now, I was in the U.S. Airforce for 20 years. I will miss one of the greatest piano/key board player of all tyme,BILLY POWELL.I was blessed to have seen him before he was called up to join RONNIE & the rest. Hobbies include: Watching sports, playing the harmonica, traveling the Midwest to see my friends of Recycled Percussion. In fact I love driving anywhere.I'm just learning how to use the computer, I'm starting to get the hang of my cell phone so I'm taking the next step. My daughter wrote that,I stilldon't know squat about the cell phone.Now I'm stoked about next Jan. My frynd Buck & I are ging on the LYNYRD SKYNYRD's Simple Man cruise!

Myspace Layouts at / Lynyrd Skynyrd

Johnny Van Zant - Brickyard Road

I recently visited Brickyard Road wyth my best frynd Buck.I got very emotional when I seen this video.To have walked the same ground as the Van Zant family.I offer my self as their brother.

"Freebird" by The Gator Alley Band

This is one of the best versions of FREEBIRD I'd ever heard!Listen & enjoy.Think of all our fallen frynds,Billy Powell for one.Thank you Susan for having this video on your home page,othewise I'd never would have herd of this band.

Born To Run LIVE Lynyrd Skynyrd

I have a vhs tape of this amazing concert.I wish I could find a DVD.I think Born to Run s up there with Freebird,Simple Man,End of the Road & of course Tuesdays Gone

Lynyrd Skynyrd The Last Rebel LIVE

If you don't know by now how much I love LYNYRD SKYNYRD.This song describing Gary,means alot to me.Every word to every SKYNYRD song are just genius.I can pick alot of songs from alot of my other favorite groups that I don't care for.But there is not one SKYNYRD song that is bad.They (the songs) are all #1 hits in my book.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - End Of The Road

I pray the LYNYRD SKYNYRD bus never finds the end of the road

Chicago - Feeling stronger every day

This song is dedicated to me and for how I am feeling from my recent hip surgery.

Highway Song1

Met SRS on the Simple Man Cruise,awsome performance of Highway Song!


Tammy this is a great song!Your daddy is one of my heros.Take care FREEBIRD CHILD! ge&friendID=318032513&albumID=11791

Eric,Lonnie,Mark & Steve AKA Gary,Ronnie,Billy & Leon

Steven wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Sandstone 2009 album

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

LYNYRD SKYNRD!!! If I could hang out with them for one day I could die the next day a happy man! I would like to meet the following also Reba Macintire,Dan Ackroyd,38 Speacial,Silvester Stallone,Clint Eastwood,Buddy Guy,Jessica Alba,I've meet Bart Starr,but would love to be able to talk to him longer.It would also be great to meet the surviving members of the 60's Green Bay Packers,so they can sign my championship game ball from the 1961 game between the Packers & N.Y.Giants.I did get Max Magee's autgraph,I'll miss him,I would have loved to have met #66 The great Ray Nietchke.I hope one day to meet the greatest QB in the history of football #4 Brett Favre.just to mention a few.

My Blog

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jeff Healey - Look at Little Sister I just came across this video of two of my top 10 guitar payers,songwritters,and most of all great persons.They both died to young,like all the...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 10:25:00 GMT

Zakk Wylde Trashes Monitors And Gives Them To Audience This one is for my daughter Steph,and Recycled Percussion.espeacially to RP's old sound man Bogie.In honor of a great skydiving adventure.ENJOY!...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 09:17:00 GMT

Cinderella - Gypsy Road "Long Cold Winter" Released 1988 on Mercury Records Great song,Tom Kiefer was on the pay per view concert of LYNYRD SKYNYRD Lyve at the Fox Theater 1993...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 09:04:00 GMT

John Mayall - Room to move (live) I met John at the Nothern Lights Theater a couple years ago.It was a huge thrill for me.John is in his mid 70's and still kickin' ass.If you ha...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 08:51:00 GMT

Simple Man Cruise,2009

Hi Frynds!It is so close to my dream vacation.Less than 3 weeks,i'll be rockin' the cruise ship Destiny,I believe it's my destiny to be on this ship with my best frynd Buck,my favorite band LYNYRD SKY...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 01:12:00 GMT