I got this layout at Myspace-Wizards.Com
Want to know how you can help the horses and rescues?
Please see my blog for the nightly edition of Horses in need and equine events. This is a list of horses in need, horses for sale, rescues in need, equine events, and much, much more. You can also see my website where the list is republished each day and broken down into sections. Thanks!
The Chey/Annie Project's mission is to place an emergency sling that is designed for horses in every state. The sling will be housed at a specific rescue in each state to be shared amongst all the rescues in that state as the need arises. The slings will be provided FREE of charge in the time of need.
No horse should have to be put to sleep because they need a sling to assist them until they can gain weight.
No horse should have to suffer from a sling designed for a cow.
Once we have placed slings in each state, we will work to put slings in every rescue! This way, rescuers and the horses they are trying to help will have immediate access to this life saving device.
This is the sling we are going to purchase with the funds from the Chey/Annie Project. It is manufactured by Wiggins Inc. Their website is www.wigginsinc.com (www. wigginsinc.com (remove spaces)) . The sling is called the Adult Horse Sling. It is found under the tab for slings and hoists.
So how can you help with the Chey/Annie Project? Please go to our website at
Or our yahoo group at
http:// pets. groups. yahoo. com/ group/ TheCheyAnnieProject/(remove spaces))
You will find information on where to donate for your state (there are chip in pages for every state!), where to donate for the general fund, more information on the Chey/Annie project and the horses that it is named for, a flyer that you can download, and links to the current donation totals and the accounting page. Please be aware that there will always be a public accounting of the funds and it is updated every month (around the 18th of each month).
Please copy the flyer and post it at your local feed stores, tack stores, and vet offices. Or anywhere you are allowed to post flyers (gas stations, arenas, stables, etc.)
Then spread the word. Share the flyer or the website with everyone you know. Ask them to share it with their friends. Send it to all the people in your email accounts. You never know where someone will see it and want to help. Working together, I know that we can make a huge impact on neglected and injured horses.
Remember, if each person that reads this donates one dollar, we will have all the slings purchased in no time!
Are you a rescue and would like a widget to put on your website to help raise donations for the sling for your state? Email me and I will get the code to you! Or, would you be willing to house the sling at your rescue until an emergency comes up? Send me an email and we can work it out!
Brandi M. Qualset
Missy's Hope Equine Rescue Resource
http:// missyshopeerr. freehostia. com (remove spaces)
http:// groups. yahoo. com/group/ MissysHopeEquineRescueResource/ (remove spaces)
The Chey/Annie Project
http:// pets. groups. yahoo. com/ group/ TheCheyAnnieProject/(remove spaces))
HI everyone,
I finally have pictures and information on the knit flower fundraiser we are doing for the Chey/Annie Project on the website.
Here is a copy of the info. :o)
Knit Flower Fundraiser:
We are doing a knit flower fundraiser for the Chey/Annie Project. Each flower is approximately 2 inches x 2 inches in size. Each flower also has a lock of Cheyenne's hair in the center with a small heart bead at it's center. Right now the flowers come in white, yellow, pink, light blue, and light purple.
We can also custom make flowers for you out of locks of your horse's hair. (For lighter colored horse hair we can make black flowers.) If you are interested in choosing a color of yarn for your horse's flower, please let me know what color and I can see what I can do to get that color for you.
The flowers will cost $5 plus shipping (I will figure out what the shipping is soon...I need to run to the post office.)
You can see photos of the flowers at
http:// missyshopeerr. freehostia. com/ CAPfundraisers. htm(remove spaces))
Email me if you are interested in a flower at
Brandi M. Qualset
Missy's Hope Equine Rescue Resource
http:// groups. yahoo. com/group/ MissysHopeEquineRescueResource/ (remove spaces)
The Chey/Annie Project
http:// pets. groups. yahoo. com/ group/ TheCheyAnnieProject/(remove spaces))