Fading Away by Sensus - www.myspace.com/theoriginalsensus
Synthetic (Live) by Sensus - www.myspace.com/theoriginalsensus
Animal by Sensus - www.myspace.com/theoriginalsensus
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Fading Away by Sensus - www.myspace.com/theoriginalsensus
Synthetic (Live) by Sensus - www.myspace.com/theoriginalsensus
Animal by Sensus - www.myspace.com/theoriginalsensus
Member Since: 22/10/2007
Band Members: Steve Rickard: Guitars, Lead Vocal.
Darren Langshaw: Bass Guitar.
Barrie Jarman: Lead Guitar.
Peter Sinanan: Drums.
Sounds Like: A review of our first cd "Inertia"In Geometry I learned . .well how to sleep in class, but from what I heard there are certain shapes and patterns that are found all over in the universe. The circle, the square, and the triangle, and everything else is an extention of those shapes. So basically the same things are reused over and over and over again. This fact I found quite boring, but as I listen to the new CD by Sensus I realize that, although it's not a totally original and groundbreaking CD, I really like it. And although it is pretty clear what influences they seem to have it stands out among the circles and squares and triangles it was formed from. These guys, from the UK, took a good foundation of American indie-rock and toned down the whininess/cockiness that I always seem to hear in British rock and created some great tunes. The opener "Synthetic" is a great/solid track to get the room singing alone with a beer in one hand . . and a beer in the other. They tone down the rock just a tad for "Eat Less (Move More)", and get emotional on "She Can't See The World" with a strong chorus. Track five "Let it Go" starts out and I thought Eddie Vedder wrote guest vocals for this or something cause it sounds like the opening vocals patterns were straight from "Ten" or "Vs." but I don't think it was intentional . . great track though . . I also am having quite a hard time to type as my legs, and head won't stop bobbing to "Let it Go" ooh yes . . I am a great air drummer, and now my neighbor knows it as well. . . 6 great tunes and 2 radio edits make this EP worthwhile for sure . . can't wait to see this band live, and I can be certain that I will be embarassing myself as I drive around blasting Sensus around Cleveland this summer . . check them out at and tell them DomainCleveland.com sent you!
Record Label: Unsigned