i now have chronic Lyme disease.
I have had lyme disease for 8 years now. I got bit twice, once when I was 5 and then again when I was 7. I got bit in the back of my leg the secound time and never saw the first tick. My whole body would ache; sometimes I couldn’t even get out of bed. Also I was getting very high fevers. I was misdiagnosed. My thrid testing came back positive.Finally Dr. Jones in Connecticut got me antibiotics.
I have missed so many days of school, and I even had to make up 3rd grade again. I was feeling like a normal kid again all through 4th and 5th grade. But in the summer of going into sixth grade I had a relapse of lyme. Ever since then it has been horrible. It is now spread on both sides of my brain and I have a constant head-ache. I have been on so any antibiotics in my life. My lyme test came back negitive. The one doctor i see told me that he couldnt do anything for me. Thank God Dr. Burke was there to fight with the insurence comapny!I am now on ivs for the first time. I only have about a one month left! I now have no more fevers.I am finaly starting to feel better and cant wait to be well again!