big papa jr. profile picture

big papa jr.

I am here for Friends

About Me

courtney renea wade is often how people identify me. i prefer frankenstein, broke back, or boo boo kitty fuck. i am very LOUD in the way i present myself. i graduated on november 9th from western high school, and have absolutely no clue what i want to do with my life. i am a natural optimist so im sure i will make the best of what ever it is i choose to do. i am in bloomington with my older sissy. she is at IU, which is what i will most likely do in January 2nd semester unless the wind blows me another direction. i love most everything about my life. i would like to think i am a people person and i always am looking for a good conversation with a random stranger in starbucks...i love my friends and my family, they are all i have...i am always willing to be anyones friend, no matter what the situation. so call me up or message me and we can go out for a cup of joe.

My Interests

belly dancing, kung-fu, reading, writing, singing with my sisters, running around naked :)

I'd like to meet:

no one who has bad intentions, or wants to hurt me, but other than that, i like to meet just about anyone


John Mayor, Dave Matthews, Incubus, Jack Johnson, Norah Jones, Gnarles Barkley, Damien Rice, ben Harper, frank Sinatra, Big head todd, Regina spektor, Ingrid Michealson, White Stripes, No Doubt, Red Hot Chile peppers, and so many more...


White Oleander, Fight Club, toy story :) i love woody


friends, trading spaces, 10 years younger, what not to wear, saturday morning cartoons


I love reading anything....favorite hobby


Mother Theresa

My Blog

holidays without my mom

To all my fellow friends...i am lonely sitting listening to regina specktor, desperately hoping for some inspiration for my life, i hate holidays without my mom......
Posted by big papa jr. on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:53:00 PST

im so busy

i have so much to get done in the next two months before college starts. i wish i had an assistant, lol, i need to start making lists, yeah, that is what i will do
Posted by big papa jr. on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 04:37:00 PST

BLah Blah Blah!!!!!! moody me....

BLah BLAh Blah where are you little man......??  i sit apatheically waiting, waiting waiting ,,,,, wondering why i wait, when you dont wait, you fancy along with your nothingingness. and i wait w...
Posted by big papa jr. on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:30:00 PST