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About Me

White ships disappear into wave machine this morning/ your eyes got shot with secret chains/ a pill armies eventually set free / like soft horses through toy deserts./---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------I love everything I used to hate as a child, history, museums, theatre, poetry and chinese food. I am 23 years old and far from where I want to be right now. My willingness today is unconditional. I try to make myself available to help others. I am sensitive to false flattery and I don't like when strangers hug me. I have been frugal since childhood and I hate to see people waste money. I enjoy writing creative dramatic nonfiction and poetry, but I look beyond creative outlets to solve my problems, I believe stories and rhymes are just hobbies. I relate well to other people and do my best to mantain positive relationships. If you really want to know me read my blogs.

My Interests

Decriminalization of all recreational drug use, Students For Sensible Drug Policy, Novermber Coalition, Drug Policy Allience, Drugsense.ORG..check out these great causes, because the war on drugs is a solution worse then the problem; THE WAR ON DRUGS IS A WAR ON OURSELVES "In christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point" Nietzsche

I'd like to meet:

Elie wiesel, Author of Night "Don't let yourself be fooled with illusions. Hitler has made it vary clear that he will annihilate the jews before the clock strikes twelve, before we can hear the last stroke." "what does it matter to you? Do we regard Hitler as a prophet" [...] "I've got more faith in Hitler then anyone else. He's the only one who has kept all his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people."


She said "I tried to be, but I'm not. So can you please collect your things." And I don't wanna be cold I don't wanna be cruel but I got a fine woman whats happening with you? and if you wanna open up the door ..then she said "WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING, I WAS LISTENING TO THE RADIO AND WONDERING WHAT YOUR DREAMING WHEN IT CAME TO MIND THAT I DIDNT CARE." and I said hell if it's over, I had better end it quick or I could lose all my nurve. Are you with me? Can you hear me?" -Matchbox 20


"Did You Just Say Monkey""Yea, I said Monkey, came from the future. Ugly Sucker, only says Ficus"-Kiss Kiss Bang BangTHE LITTLE MERMAID: SO for three years in a row disney fed us the same BULLSHIT. As young girls we watched Alidan, beauty and the beast, and THE LITTLE MERMAID. Women wanting out of their prison like enviornment yet being held back by their fathers. We watched these movies believing that as young girls we were taught to be Adventurous, defy our parents, explore new worlds and become independant. But how on earth did we gather all that from the films. It wasnt about that at all. It was about becoming further engolfed and dependant on male hegemony in our society then already before. "The startling incongruity is that children, especially young girls, can gain an indentify independant of their parents by becoming dependant on someone else"! (trites) The bait and switch of trading adventure to become housewives and married! Some independance that must be. That we should adventure out and aspire to be Taken by a Man! we watched it happen over and over again, gain entrance to a world that was once unattainable through a man. And the ideologies we identified with were startling as well. that "she who holds her toung who gets the man"-Ursula. "But the real question is not whether we understood it at the time, but what kind of ideas about ourselves and our place in society we might have internalized from lines such as those without even realizing it."


"Science is provisional, always changing and only as good as what we know now." Bill Nye National Geographic Special "Creationists and evolutionists can be on two different paths to the same destination-the appreciation of intricate and perhaps devine design, regardless of how we believe it came into existance" National Goegraphic special."Science is a time line of corrected mistakes and mistakes to be corrected" National Geographic "Is it Real?""women are often shown as playful clowns in ads, perpetuating the attitude that girls and women are childish and cannot be taken seriously. [...] People in control of their lives stand upright, alert and ready to meet the world. In contrast, females often appear off-balance, insecure, and weak. Often our body parts are bent, conveying unpreparedness, submissiveness, and appeasement. We Exhibit what Goffman terms "liscensed Withdrawl" [...] Females touch people and things delicately, we caress. We cover our faces with our hair or our hands, conveying shame or embarrassment. And, no matter what happens, we keep on smiling." Jean Kilbourne


Night (Holocaust True Story) , Rebeca (Gothic Mystery), Lies my Teacher told me (Emotional and True History) Ethan Frome (just for the ending), Nickel and Dimmed: On Not Getting by in America, 1984.


Roberta Trites,(Feminist Writer and Professor) Andrea Dworkin (I do not agree with a lot of her beliefs, but I love her passion and persuasion). Eli Wiesel (Wrote Night, one of the most emotionally honest and powerful stories I have ever read)

My Blog

Ship Wrecked

 I was taken by the landscape this evening, astonished quit honestly. Once again I was asphyxiated by the relentless terrified concerns of living with an alcoholic. The obsession, paranoia and ob...
Posted by LEEZA on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:45:00 PST

You can Still be with the Wizard

I have been thinking so much about being present ..trying to just be a part of my life. I remember how it felt to be sideswiped constantly by something awful,. the embarrassment and the shock that fol...
Posted by LEEZA on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:12:00 PST

Quote and Poetry Compilation

What is the difference between an alcoholic and a thief? A theif will steel your tv and deny he did it, An alcoholic will steel your tv try and help you find the guy who took it" "Look at h...
Posted by LEEZA on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:00:00 PST

Trouble sleeping and bearly Breathing and why I write about It

I remember the first real crisis in my life when I was 16. Anxiety would run up and attack me. I was afllicted with the physical and psychological disease of Annorexia. I had abnormal heart beats of ...
Posted by LEEZA on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:19:00 PST

Populism V.S. (Me) Dark Comedy

Populism: think "the persuite of happiness" "it's a wonderfull life" "Remember the Titans" Dark Comedy: Think "Herold and Maude" "A clockwork Orange" "Fight Club" "Pulp Fiction" Neither one of them ar...
Posted by LEEZA on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:49:00 PST

I don’t want to be angry

It's been so long since I've heard anything sincerely motivating in regards to my own self actualization. Aside from pain. Aside from my own pain that brings me to motivation contingent on p...
Posted by LEEZA on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:25:00 PST

A 20/20 Drug War Special

WAR ON DRUGS, A WAR ON OURSELVES   ANNOUNCER This is an ABC News Special. The world is going to pot. Country by country, drug laws are going up in smoke.   MAN That's good weed. http://pgo...
Posted by LEEZA on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:18:00 PST

D.A.R.E. To keep Kids hooked on propaganda

DARE: Raising Questions and Soliciting ChangeBy Leeza Brown                  It is a popular belief that most American parents worry abo...
Posted by LEEZA on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:11:00 PST

Cocaine Economy

Supply and Demand of Deviance Lately I have been spending time in the fellowship of grateful recovering addicts within the walls of Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and have been exposed to a diverse group of ...
Posted by LEEZA on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:08:00 PST

An Andrea Dworkin Inspiration

Disclaimer: The material I am presenting here may be offensive, and just as all other mediums we may find objectionable, we have the right to look the other way and not continue. If you are a male and...
Posted by LEEZA on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:22:00 PST