My Blog
Let it go!
Here is something that is good for everyone to read and is really helpful in life!
Let It Go... by T. D. Jakes
There are people who can walk away from you. AND HEAR ME WHEN I TELL
Posted by on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 17:16:00 GMT
Beastie Boys- Intergalatic
This video reminds me of my friend Rich who died almost a year ago.
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 20:37:00 GMT
Breast Reduction
I finally got what I always wanted on Monday, a breast reduction. I'm in a little bit of pain still but able to move around my apartment now on my own. I can't reach up or carry anything as heavy as...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 15:38:00 GMT
State Job
State Job
Today I was offered a job with the state and I accepted. I start on August 31st. Wish me luck, I've been at my current job a LONG time (most of my adult life)and I'm nervo...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 18:51:00 GMT
New "Roommates"
We have new editions to our household, "Elivis", "Little Richard" and "Plinko". We may need to rename "Little Richard" since he is a she-Jenee wants to name her "Angel" but she names everything ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 15:55:00 GMT
My new baby
Yes! I bought a new car!
It's so beautiful! I just had to share the good news of my beautiful ride: 2001 Chevy Blazer, fully loaded, and it even has buttons that I'm not sure on how to use...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 15:50:00 GMT
House Warming Party!
It's offical! Our house warming party is March 17th-yes, St Patrick's Day so it'll be easier for you to remember when it is...actually it just kind-of worked out that way. Starts at 3pm so...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 21:00:00 GMT
2007 Move
Two angels came over last night and moved me in less than three hours! Thank you so much Paul and Leslie! You two rock!!!!!
A special shout out to my daughter and Leslie's daughter, Sarah,...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 20:07:00 GMT
JUMP ON MY BED, Febuary 3rd
The big day is Saturday, Febuary 3rd, two weeks from today we will be moving AGAIN. Unfortuately my new neighbors are very heavy smokers and I have to change apartments...two buildings away.&nbs...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 15:37:00 GMT
I'm back! I got my new cell working again yesterday, FINALLY! I'm so relieved and HAPPY! I really hated not having a phone, it was like a piece of me was missing...
I still don't hav...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 15:24:00 GMT