My name is Alexa ♥
I love making these little hearts ♥
I ♥ DoSeS
I ♥ DaNcInG aRoUnD wItH mY iPoD
I ♥ MeTaL, sCrEaMo, PuNk, PoP, cOuNtRy, EmO, hArDcOrE, sCeNe, TeChNo, HoUsE, bReAkS...If you didnt get it...I ♥ MUSIC!
I ♥ My FrIeNdS
I ♥ My GiRlFrIeNd ;-)
I ♥ JoLLy RaNcHeRs
I ♥ My InSaNe GrAnDmA and PaPa
I ♥ My OnE aRmEd PoPs and CrAzY mAmA
I ♥ My BuNnY
I ♥ LoVe
I ♥ LaUgHiNgI'm a pretty laid back person. I know what I like and want what I want. I'm happy again for the first time in awhile so if you intend to ruin that move along.♥
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics